It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 554 I'm Blind A Good Skin

Chapter 554 I'm Blind For Nothing
"Master inside has been sick for many days?" Second Young Master Xie frowned slightly, looking at the yard, showing a trace of disgust in addition to surprise.

Lin Qianqing hurriedly said, "Second Brother Xie, don't you know that Second Sister-in-law is sick?"

Hmph, what does it matter if he is sick?He turned his head away in disgust, he didn't even bother to look at the yard.

"Cuiya said that Aunt Du refused to invite a doctor because she was afraid they would make trouble outside, so she locked the door."

Gu Youyou looked at Lin Qianqing in surprise, this little girl is really...she can't stand her eyes, is she going to stand up for Miss Du?
But it also depends on the man's attitude. If the man wants you dead, no matter how pitiful he is, he won't be sympathetic, and it will only make him more disgusted.

Regarding Lin Qianqing's words, the second young master was surprised, and then he said angrily after a while: "What are you talking about? Why didn't Ah Qing hire a doctor for that woman? That woman is Ah Qing's sister, if she hadn't insisted on keeping that woman Woman, she was kicked out by my young master a long time ago."

When he said this, Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing were stunned at the same time.

Dare to understand that the second young master didn't know that Miss Du was ill, and didn't know that the two young ladies of the Du family were already in a state of turmoil because of him, to the point of life and death.How blind is this eye, that's why he looks dumbfounded?

The idiot added a rich bag, blinding a good skin for nothing.This is Gu Youyou's opinion on Second Young Master Xie.

The corners of Gu Youyou's mouth twitched, eyes lowered, and said flatly: "Second Young Master, I am a doctor in Jishengtang and Miss Lin's cousin. I had a relationship with Miss Third before, so I also came to bother your house Today, I happened to meet Cui Ya who was out looking for a doctor. The doctor was kind, and he really couldn't bear to see the owner of the hospital die in that room, so he boldly went to see her.

She has indeed been ill for many days, and her body is very weak. I have already given the prescription to her maidservant. If you want her to die, you don't need to pay attention to it.I saw how desolate they were, and I was afraid they couldn't afford the medicine I prescribed.If Sheng wants her to live, he can directly send someone to Jishengtang to grab the medicine.

As for us climbing the wall to get out of this courtyard, it was indeed because someone locked the courtyard door from the outside, listening to the two women who locked the door, they were indeed afraid that the master of the courtyard would come out and cause trouble, so it would be safer to lock it.If you don't believe us, you can go to the main entrance to have a look and you will know and leave. "

Gu Youyou spoke a long paragraph, speaking at a gentle speed, and explained the ins and outs of this matter clearly. They are just two guests of Miss San, they are outsiders, and there is no need to favor anyone.

Yes, they don't have to wrong anyone or help anyone.

The Second Young Master Xie was finally moved. He glanced at the backs of Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing who had gone away, and then moved to the courtyard gate to look at the lock.

On the dilapidated red lacquered wooden door, there are chains as thick as wrists and a big brass lock as thick as fists.

A copper lock locks the inside and outside of the courtyard into two worlds.

After getting married, she actually didn't come out very often, and it didn't make any difference whether she couldn't help herself.

The last time she had an argument with Ah Qing, her father only scolded Ah Qing, but never said anything wrong with her. Ah Qing cried for a long time in front of him, so he said to ground her for a month.

This is all because she is the wife and Ah Qing is the concubine.She is a concubine, and Ah Qing is a concubine.So Ah Qing was the one who was punished for doing everything from childhood to adulthood.

He couldn't see her bullying Ah Qing by relying on her status, so he hated her more and more, always favoring Ah Qing, and gradually, protecting Ah Qing became a habit.

(End of this chapter)

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