Chapter 555 Reminder
Touching the brass lock, he hesitated for the first time.

Do you want to open this lock?It's better not to, it's better if she doesn't come out anyway, every time she leaves this yard, she will definitely cause some trouble.

As for her illness, let someone get the medicine.


When Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing went back, Xie Qinyun's marriage ceremony had already been completed, and all the guests were eating.

They are all women, but they have no scruples, and they are all laughing.

Aunt Du sat at the hostess seat, chatting and laughing with the ladies, while Xie Qinyun sat at the other table, looking around with a sad face.

Presumably it was because the two of them visited the garden for too long, and she was in a hurry before they came back.

Lin Qianqing hurried up a few steps and said, "Don't look, it's here."

"Oh, where are you going?" Xie Qinyun patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief, "You must have lost your way, right?"

Lin Qianqing took a look at Gu Youyou, the two of them acted as if you understood me, and then turned to Xie Qinyun with a smile: "Yes, your home is too big, we just lost our way!"

"Oh, then you must have seen my second brother."

"Huh?" The two looked at Xie Qinyun in surprise, "How do you know?"

Xie Qinyun said: "The two of you haven't come out yet, so I asked the maid beside me to look for it. I asked other maids, but I heard that you wandered all the way into my second brother's back house!" She swallowed. , lowered his voice and said: "In our house, the second brother's back house is almost a forbidden area now. The maids outside generally don't go there, and I rarely go there. One is because my father won't let me, and the other is because my second brother will not go there." I'm happy, and the third is because I don't want to see the second brother's woman, one is too arrogant, the other is too useless, and I feel bad. So I let my second brother look for it by himself!"

After hearing Qin Yun's words, Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing swallowed at the same time.

It turned out that Second Young Master Xie was looking for the two of them. Fortunately, he didn't... No matter how he lied, it was almost right, otherwise he would be embarrassing and embarrassing Lin Fu.

After eating the wine, almost everyone had dispersed, and it was time for Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing to say goodbye.

Before leaving, Lin Qianqing pulled Xie Qinyun aside and said, "I went to the garden with my cousin, and we came near your second sister-in-law's yard, and happened to meet your second sister-in-law's maid who went out to find a doctor, so my cousin gave her a diagnosis and treatment. Fan. She has been ill for a long time, and has not had any medicine because she is confined! But my cousin has prescribed it for her."

It's almost done. It depends on Miss Du's luck to see how Xie Qinyun adds fire.

On the carriage, Lin Qianqing asked: "Cousin, do you think I can talk to Xie Qinyun like that?"

"Success, it's good." Gu Youyou said: "Her second brother... maybe, it's a pity that Miss Du died of illness in that yard. I think Qin Yun doesn't like Aunt Du very much, so she should take this Something happened."

"Well, that's true." Lin Qianqing nodded.

Looking at Gu Youyou, she was very curious, "Cousin, you don't seem to like to watch other people's affairs, why do you care about the messy things in the back house?"

Gu Youyou thought to himself: When did this girl become smarter?
She said seriously: "How can it be considered a nostalgia? I am a doctor, and the doctor sees sick people dying. Hey, I told you that you don't understand, and you are not a doctor. And... that medicine is really expensive Yes, if you have money but don’t make money, you think I’m that stupid bastard?”

(End of this chapter)

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