Chapter 557
He thought to himself, this dead girl is determined to bring this matter to herself, and she has disobeyed her a lot since she was a child. She is really born with the rustic temperament of the Lin family, no matter how she raises her, she will not be able to become a scholar. Ladylike.

What is her behavior now?Heavy duty?

A good guy who values ​​love and righteousness and keeps his promises.

"Okay, since you are so ignorant, you kidnapped your cousin's sick body and ran around. From now on, you just stay in the boudoir and copy the female precepts for me, copy the female precepts a hundred times, when will you finish copying, and when will you go out. "

Gu Youyou turned her head to look at Lin Qianqing, and said in her heart: With her temperament, she won't copy the female ring for money even if she is beaten up.

But she didn't want to, she agreed without complaint.

"Yes, mother!"

Gu Youyou's jaw dropped in shock, a hundred times a hundred times, it's better to be beaten up.You know, they use a brush to write, and they write very slowly. After copying the female precepts a hundred times, the flowers in the north will all wither.

Seeing Gu Youyou's worried expression from the side, Lin Qianqing just kept winking at her.

Gu Youyou understood, a hundred times a hundred times, it was not as scary as she thought.

She also thought that she would not go to the doctor's office in the next few days, and she would stay at home and copy female rings with Lin Qianqing on the grounds of being ill.

"Yuyou, don't go to the hospital these few days, just stay in the yard and recuperate well. If you need anything, let someone buy it for you."

Uh, so I was grounded?
Well, just take a break, it can be considered a few days of convergence.

"Yes, aunt!"

Seeing that neither of them resisted, Mrs. Lin's face looked better, and she turned to Mrs. Lin and said, "Mother, you think my arrangement is quite appropriate."

The old lady nodded and said, "Okay, you all go down, I'm tired too."

Her thoughts were the same as Gu Youyou's, it was time to restrain herself for a few days and treat it as a recuperation.


The guests in Jiefu dispersed, and it was already sunset.

Xie Qinyun seldom went to that wretched second brother's back house these years, but because of Lin Qianqing's words, she went today.

With two maids and four strong women, the formation is huge.

Seeing the dilapidated red-lacquered courtyard door with a copper lock, she lowered her eyes.

"Locked? Why? Qian Qing said she was sick, where else could she go?"

Lin Qianqing didn't tell her that the yard was locked by Aunt Du. Seeing that the door was locked, she naturally thought that their master and servant were not there and went elsewhere.

"Miss, shall we ask Aunt Du?" A woman asked Xie Qinyun in a low voice.

"Ask Aunt Du?" Xie Qinyun was slightly surprised.

The old lady said: "Yes, have you forgotten that the second young master's back house has always been run by Aunt Du?"

Yes, Xie Qinyun clenched her fists angrily.

This second sister-in-law is rather useless, how could she be allowed to control the power of the Xie family with the reason that she has been unwell for many years?That little concubine is not only in charge of the second brother's back house, but also the power of the entire Jiefu, who made her mother and sister-in-law both pass away.

Just because of this relationship, her wedding ceremony was extremely bad, and people were whispering about it, saying that the only young lady of the Xie family was a concubine who came forward to organize the wedding ceremony.

There is no woman in Xie mansion who can take care of things, what will Miss Xie do if she gets married in the future?Could it be that a concubine has to come forward?Where will she save her face?Marrying into her husband's family is also unpopular.

And as far as Xie Qinyun knew, she might be bestowed a marriage by the emperor this year, to one of the two Highnesses.

(End of this chapter)

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