Chapter 558

She has no mother, and she doesn't have a serious sister-in-law who can take care of things.In the eyes of those people, if you don't have a mother, you will be less educated. Maybe because of this reason, as the daughter of a first-rank official in the court, she can only be the prince's side concubine, and there is no need to fight.

Get angry when you think about it.

"Break the lock for me." Xie Qinyun said angrily.

"Hey!" The women responded and began to knock on the door.

The big brass lock couldn't be broken, but the door was very dilapidated. After a few blows, the two dilapidated red-lacquered wooden doors were crumbling.Xie Qinyun looked at it, picked up the hem of her skirt and kicked it up, the door was completely dilapidated, and she fell to the ground pitifully.

The mothers-in-law and maidservants were all terrified, it's really not good for the third lady without a mother-in-law, so tough?How will you get married in the future!
Ouch, the poor lady died early, the eldest mistress died early, and the second mistress looks like this again.

The door collapsed, and the people in the courtyard naturally heard the movement and rushed out.

Seeing that it was the angry Third Miss, Cui Ya knelt down with a plop, trembling all over.

"Third...Miss San, I don't know where my miss offended you, you want to..." kicked our courtyard gate.

Didn't dare to say anything later.

Seeing this Cui Ya, Xie Qinyun was also very surprised.

"Are you there? Then why did you lock the courtyard door?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt that something was wrong. There were people inside, so how could they lock the courtyard door by themselves?

Then he said in a deep voice: "Who did it?" Who locked the courtyard door?
"'s Aunt Du!" Although Cui Ya was a maid brought out from Du's mansion, she no longer called Aunt Du the Second Miss. She has been calling her Aunt Du all these years.

My young lady should have been called Second Young Mistress, but because Eldest Miss Du and Second Young Master Xie didn't have a good relationship, she never changed her name and called her Miss.

Miss Du herself didn't think of herself as Xie's wife, so she never cared about Cui Ya's title.

Xie Qinyun stared at Cui Ya for a moment, then asked, "Does the second brother know?"

Cui Ya kept kneeling on the ground with her head lowered, and said, "Cui Ya doesn't know, the second young master won't let us out of the yard, except for picking lunch boxes at the door every day, Cui Ya dare not leave the yard."

Hearing these words, Xie Qinyun's eyes became darker and darker.

She hasn't been in the second brother's back house for two years, and she hasn't seen the second brother's wife for a long time.

In the past, she helped the second sister-in-law to vent her anger, but later Auntie Du wanted to commit suicide, and the second sister-in-law was punished more severely by the second brother, so she took less care of her.

The most important thing is that she doesn't like the second sister-in-law's doormat temperament even more. If she is born cowardly, no matter how they help you, she will be unable to support the wall with mud.

She hated Aunt Du, and she didn't treat her second sister-in-law much better, so she simply ignored her.

It's just that she didn't expect that the second sister-in-law would lead such a life today.

Seeing the dilapidated yard overgrown with weeds under the setting sun, she smiled wryly.

That's right, the eldest brother has been away for many years, and the father has been in the court all the time, so they don't care about the affairs in the back house.

As for myself, I was in the school a few years ago. After returning home from the school, no one cared about it, so I went around looking for girls from various families to play. The only second brother who grew up at home was partial to Aunt Du. In Aunt Du's room, who cares about her.

Xie Qinyun took a deep breath, and said to Cui Ya who was kneeling on the ground: "I heard that my second sister-in-law is ill, please take me in."

Cuiya hurriedly got up and led Xie Qinyun into the house.

During the day, Miss Du was given needles by Gu Youyou, and she has recovered a bit, but she was still lying on the bed weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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