Chapter 559 I can't bear it
Seeing Xie Qinyun approaching, he struggled to get up.

"Miss San, why are you here?"

Xie Qinyun looked at the deserted room, it was so dark after dusk that even an oil lamp was not lit.

The spring in the north is still cold. People like them burn earth dragons in their houses. The hostess of the Xie family doesn't even have a brazier in her house, let alone earth dragons.

I don't know if it was because the room was too cold, Xie Qinyun shuddered.

Miss Du saw it in her eyes, and sighed in a low voice: "I don't have an earth dragon or a heater here, Miss San, please forgive me." Said: "Cui Ya, light the lamp."

Cuiya said yes, and went to the table to light the lamp.

Cuiya carefully lit a small oil lamp, and then carefully moved the wick into the oil, in order to make the fire smaller and save fuel.

Xie Qinyun was startled again, pointed to the oil lamp and said, "The fire is so small, it makes no difference whether it is lit or not."

Cui Ya hurriedly explained: "Miss San, I have to ask Aunt Du for lamp oil when I run out of oil. The last time I asked Aunt Du for lamp oil..."

"Cui Ya, stop talking." Before Cui Ya could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Miss Du again.

"Miss..." Cuiya said aggrievedly, then lowered her head again, swallowing the last half of her words.

"What's the matter?" Xie Qinyun was catching on to the point, and didn't stop until she asked why.

Miss Du looked at the dim oil lamp with dead silence in her eyes.It's been five years, what can't she see?It's just a lamp and a pot of oil.

"Miss San, why do you make things difficult for a maid? I know you are doing it for my own good and want to stand up for me, but this is not the first time you have helped me, and you know the result very well. Forget it, I don't want to give it to you again." You are causing trouble."

Hearing these words, Xie Qinyun felt her brain twitch.She was like this again. After several years, she didn't learn to resist, and seemed to be more and more resigned to her fate.It was just seeing Miss Du's current appearance clearly through the dim oil lamp, which really surprised Xie Qinyun again.

"Why are you so thin? It's only been a few days of illness, you..." She suddenly realized something, and immediately closed her mouth again.

The anger and injustice in my heart seem to rush out like a tide, why?
She gritted her teeth and said, "Is it that shameless woman who abused you? Hey, don't thank me in a hurry. I'm not doing it for you. I'm here to save the mansion's face. Although none of us in the mansion can stand up to the facade With the mistress here, I can't let a concubine be domineering, you can bear it, but I can't bear it."

After all, she stopped looking at Miss Du's changed face, and led the maids and women out of the yard.

Cui Ya sat paralyzed on the ground, looked at the swaying door, and said, "Miss, what should I do?"

According to past experience, if the third lady makes such a fuss, Aunt Du should go to the second young master to complain again, and Miss Baobuqi will suffer again.

Miss Du's eyes were already numb, she gave a wry smile and said, "Then don't sleep, just wait."

He should have said that she took up the status of Ah Qing's wife, causing her to be ridiculed and bullied.


Xie Qinyun is smart today, seeing her second brother was there, she didn't directly say that Aunt Du bullied Miss Du, but said that she had done something that made her lose face.

And the target of her attack was not Aunt Du, but Second Young Master.

(End of this chapter)

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