Chapter 561 Torture her to death?

Passed an orange to her and said: "Ah Qing, don't blame yourself for all the crimes. It's not your fault. If you want to blame it, blame me for being useless. I can't win you the position of wife. You always make others laugh at you." I'm a concubine. But in my heart, I have only one wife, and it has always been you."

Aunt Du smiled through her tears, wiped her tears, and gave half of the oranges to Second Young Master Xie, saying: "I know that my husband loves Ah Qing the most, my husband, eat oranges."

Xie Qinyun was so disgusted by Aunt Du's hypocritical appearance that she couldn't stand their disgusting love for eating oranges in front of her, so she said angrily: "Second brother, what should I do? Is it because I am a daughter from the first wife, really? Going to someone else's house to be a concubine?"

Master Xie only told her about the emperor's selection of concubines for the two princes, so in the mind of Second Young Master Xie, it is impossible for her younger sister to become a concubine in someone else's house, unless she is a concubine of the royal family.

But with my younger sister's temperament, she definitely won't join the royal family.

He said angrily: "Nonsense, you are the only lady in our family, who dares to let you be a concubine?"

To be a concubine?Of course he wouldn't let Xie Qinyun go to someone else's house to be a concubine. Just this concubine in his own house would break his heart. As a concubine at home, without the protection of a husband, why not be bullied to death?

Xie Qinyun rubbed the handkerchief and said, "Then you have to think of a way for me, I'm too late, if the matchmaker comes to the door one day, you can't..." She looked at Aunt Du, and said aggrievedly: "You can't Let her talk to me about marriage? I won't lose my life."

The issue of Aunt Du's identity was still involved. The second young master Xie looked at his younger sister and then at Aunt Du, feeling that one was older than the other.

"Or..." He wanted to say, or let that woman come forward?But when he thought that the woman was more petty than Ah Qing, he was even more worried about entrusting her to discuss the younger sister's marriage.

It is really troublesome that there is no woman who can take care of the family.

The two women were waiting for his next words of 'or', but he seemed to be stuck, and he didn't say the second half of the sentence for a long time.

Facing the two pairs of expectant eyes, he could only say a few words vaguely: "Why don't I talk to my elder brother in two days, let him hurry up and marry a sister-in-law and go home."

"Brother?" Xie Qinyun slumped on a chair in a moment of sluggishness, "When the eldest brother marries a new sister-in-law, I will become an old girl. Why don't you torture the second sister-in-law to death and let Aunt Du take over."

Xie Qinyun's seemingly inadvertent words suddenly chilled the atmosphere in the room.

Aunt Du sat aside in embarrassment, looking at Xie Qinyun with a bit of resentment.

The Second Young Master Xie's face was dark, and the anger on his face was beyond words, and he said coldly: "Who taught you to say such things? Is it that woman?"

Xie Qinyun hurriedly said: "If she could teach people to say such things, she wouldn't end up where she is today."

The second young master Xie Qinyun looked at Xie Qinyun, his eyes became darker and darker, Xie Qinyun knew that this was a sign of his anger, but she had already said this, she was unwilling to leave like this, so she decided to bite the bullet and continue.

Forget it, let's speak for that woman one last time. If the second brother really doesn't want to keep her, he can only blame her for his bad life.

"I heard from Miss Lin's family today that she was seriously ill, so I went to see her in her courtyard, but I didn't expect my second brother to be so ruthless. He knew that she was very ill, but he was afraid that her maid would go out to get medicine. Simply lock the gate of her courtyard. Second brother, I understand what you mean. You hate that the eldest sister of the Du family has taken the position of the main wife. It can only make her live short.

 Finally made it to the last day of this month, feeling like my body was being hollowed out! !
  The update time and chapters of Kentian have changed, and the zero-point update has been changed to 07:30 in the morning, with two chapters.Don't wait in the middle of the night, go to bed early.The updates at noon and evening remain unchanged, eight chapters a day, and may be updated occasionally. I will try my best to stick to it until the end of March.

(End of this chapter)

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