Chapter 562 Why Lock Her Yard

For five years, she had nothing to eat or drink, and she was so skinny.This time I was so ill that I couldn't get out of bed.I heard from Dr. Gu that if she is not given medicine for three days, she will almost die.Congratulations to Second Brother, your wish for many years is about to come true, and congratulations to Aunt Du, you are about to become a regular.Then I have to call you..."

"Shut up!" Second Young Master Xie clenched his fists tightly and hit the coffee table beside him. The teacup shook violently, and the tea splashed out, causing Aunt Du to cry out in shock.Get up and stand aside!
"Second brother!" Xie Qinyun also stood up in fright, and took two steps back.

The maids and women behind her all knelt down on the ground and whispered: "Second Young Master, Miss is still young and speaks freely. You love Miss the most, so don't bother with her."

"Get out!" Second Young Master Xie cast his sharp eyes on the maidservant behind Xie Qinyun, and shouted loudly.

The maids and women looked at their young lady hesitantly, and because the second young master was in a berserk state, they had no choice but to get up and retreat.

There were only three people left in the room, and the Second Young Master Xie's eyes fell on Xie Qinyun again, and asked coldly: "Who taught you to say these words, is it that woman? I will give you one last chance."

Xie Qinyun bit her lips tightly, didn't say a word, and left in disappointment as if angry.

The second elder brother's blindness has long since been cured, so what else does she expect?
The second sister-in-law's cowardly temper is so muddy that she can't help her, she deserves to die.

Auntie Du is an insidious villain, it's not that she doesn't want to repay her, it's that the time hasn't come yet, well, she never gave birth to a child, maybe this is retribution.


Xie Qinyun left angrily, and the second young master Xie was also angry, and ordered people to lock up Xie Qinyun and not allow her to leave her yard.

Today's affairs are strange, letting her out will only make the mess worse, he has to close the door and check it out.

When she came back, she saw Aunt Du kneeling on the ground with a nervous expression on her face.

She lowered her head, her shoulders trembled, and she cried, "Sir, I'm at fault for this matter."

Seeing her admitting her mistake so quickly, Second Young Master Xie heaved a sigh of relief and bent down to help her up.

"Speak slowly, what are you doing?"

He was about to ask her about the woman's illness and her having the yard locked up.

"Yes, Mr. Du." Aunt Du got up, and sat on the stool with Ai Ai, looking cautious and pitiful, she never dared to look him in the eye.

"I really didn't know that Eldest Sister was sick. I only found out when I heard Third Miss talk about it just now. When you grounded her, their master and servant never came out, and they never allowed others to enter. You know my Eldest Sister's temper." , She doesn't let people enter her yard, who would dare not listen? Do you remember that incident when you were a child? When you were in the Du Mansion, a servant was disobedient and she beat him up and sold him. "

Second Young Master Xie nodded, he still remembered that incident.

In his impression, Miss Du has always been domineering, because Mrs. Du has no son, and she is Mrs. Du's only daughter-in-law.Since she was a child, Mrs. Du and Mrs. Du have loved her very much.

Aunt Du went on to say: "The people who deliver food every day dare not enter the yard, so they can only leave it at the door, and Cui Ya will come out to get it. Except Cui Ya, she doesn't see anyone, so I really don't know that she has been sick for many days. gone."

The Second Young Master Xie sighed, looked at Qiqi Ai Ai's crying beauty, and handed her a handkerchief.

"Look at you, is it worth crying for her? Then tell me, what happened to locking her door?"

(End of this chapter)

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