Chapter 563
Hearing this, Aunt Du, who had just wiped away her tears, burst into tears again, and said, "Today is Miss San's birthday ceremony, I'm afraid... with so many guests here, I'm afraid it will be like the past few years when Dad's birthday , Mr. Xianggong, you said not to let her come out and let me host it, but she still came out and humiliated me in front of so many people. I was afraid that what happened that day would happen again, so... I decided to let someone lock her up yard."

After finishing speaking, Aunt Du couldn't help crying.

The second young master Xie patted Aunt Du on the back, and comforted in a low voice: "Just make it clear, okay, don't cry, it's getting late, you should rest first."

After speaking, he got up and walked out, feeling restless for some reason.

Ah Yun said that she was going to die, and her father loved her so much, if she died because of these reasons, it would be blamed on Ah Qing again, even if she didn't mean it, if she really killed someone, it would be intentional.

She deserved to die, but she couldn't just die like this.

After leaving Aunt Du's courtyard, Second Young Master Xie went straight to the most remote courtyard in Xie Mansion.

On the other side, Aunt Du was helped up by the maid, and she stared at the door with resentment, her eyes were so terrifying that the maid beside her jumped.

"Madam, you...would you like to rest first?"

In private, Aunt Du's maidservants call her Madam.

Aunt Du looked over with sullen eyebrows, she didn't look like that lovely and pitiful little girl just now, but there was a cruel look in her eyes.

"Go, see where the second young master has gone."

The maid bit her lip, glanced outside the courtyard, and said in a low voice, "Look in that direction, it's Miss Du's courtyard."

No one dared to call Miss Du the second young mistress in front of her, so they kept calling her Miss Du. This matter was also acquiesced by the second young master Xie.

He tacitly allowed her to do many things, so Aunt Du dared to act unscrupulously.

There was a sound of crashing cups in the room. It turned out that Aunt Du had overturned a set of tea sets on the tea table.

Broken dishes were scattered all over the floor, followed by Aunt Du's mad roar: "That bitch, why isn't she dead? Her mother has oppressed my mother for the rest of her life. Do I have to be crushed by her for the rest of my life?"

"Ma'am, calm down!" All the maidservants knelt down and urged.

"Calm down?" Aunt Du sneered, "Let's go and see when that bitch dies."


Jin Zijin frowned, seeing the busy woman.

If he hadn't heard the servants in Lin's mansion say that she would return at night, he would not have known that she didn't rest during the day, and after leaving him, she went directly to Jie's mansion.

"My business is not in a hurry, why do you not value your body so much?"

He was afraid that she would come to him with a weak breath and ask him to save her life.This kind of scare once is enough, a few more times, he can scare her to death.

"Today is a good opportunity." Gu Youyou said lightly.

She was writing the research results of the past few days, but she couldn't believe it, she really couldn't get rid of this poison.

The two beads, one ice and one fire, are said to be transformed by a holy beast. Who knows what exactly it is?
In ancient times, there were many strange and chaotic things. If it weren't for the fact that they were not allowed to become fine after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there should be many things in modern times.These things are unbelievable, and you can't completely disbelieve them. There are indeed some things that are unclear and cannot be explained by science, but these things have always been rumored, and she has never seen them, so she... decided not to believe them for the time being.

Jin Zijin didn't know that Gu Youyou's thoughts were wandering at this time, thinking in his heart how this lady should be disciplined so that he could feel at ease.

 Thank you for your support, whether it is a reward recommendation ticket or a monthly ticket, no matter how much it is, the author continues to practice code words, and only by presenting a more exciting plot can we live up to everyone's sincerity.

(End of this chapter)

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