Chapter 566
But the maid became embarrassed and said: "The Jin family is easy to find, but this Yu family... Madam doesn't know something, the Yu family has no one left, and the Yu family's Manxiu is probably..."

"What? Lost?" The beauty raised her eyebrows, and there was a bit of anger between her brows.

The maid hurriedly knelt down, kowtowed her head, and then whispered tremblingly: "Ma'am, there is indeed no one in the Yu family, but there was a daughter of the Yu family who married into the Du Lord's mansion back then. Madam also passed away a few years ago, leaving behind a daughter who is the wife of Mr. Xie's second son. The second young lady of Mr. Xie's family is the only surviving heir of Manembroidery."

The beauty was stunned for a moment, fascinated by the waistband that had just been cut by the sword, and after a while, she said: "Prepare me a generous gift, and tomorrow we will go to Jiefu."

"Yes, ma'am!" The maid returned to the inner room with the basket, but the other maid stared at the beauty's heart anxiously.

"Ma'am, let this servant stop the bleeding for you!"

The beauty seemed to remember that she was injured, and looked down at the blood, which had already merged with her red clothes, but the wet feeling let her know that she was indeed bleeding.

Her face was a little pale, but she said with a light smile: "It's not a problem, just a little injury."

It was indeed a slight injury, if he hadn't intended to kill, how could it be just a slight injury.

Just let this little blood flow, no tears, no blood?

"The assassin..."

The beauty waved her hand and said: "I've already run away, don't worry about the assassin, this matter is not allowed to be leaked out, after the Queen's birthday is over, we will return to Xizhou."

The maidservants had no choice but to retreat.


Miss Du knew that Second Young Master Xie would come tonight, and every time something like this happened, he would come, and he reprimanded and humiliated her.

When she first married him, she still had a glimmer of hope that she would earn money. Gradually, she realized that her heart was biased. No matter what you do, whether right or wrong, you are wrong.So she gave up, and she didn't dare to ask for anything extravagantly, she just wanted to avoid them.

But sometimes, it's not that you can hide if you want to.

It's not that if you don't fight, you can save those hurtful insults.

But it doesn't matter, just get used to it.Over the years, she has learned to automatically block those harsh words and only live in her own world.

Xie Er Shaoye brought a young man to the most remote courtyard in the Jie mansion. One of the courtyard doors was roughly thrown to the ground, and the other was half-hanging on the red-painted door frame, crumbling.

He couldn't help frowning, turned his head and asked the servant behind him: "Who did it?"

Who in Jiefu would dare to do such a thing?Even if he didn't know it, he could guess it.

"Xu is Miss... I heard that Miss came to this yard today."

Oh, yes, Ah Yun was here before, that's why those things happened just now.

Sure enough, it was this woman, who would not be able to live if she was about to die.

He kicked down another door fiercely and stepped into this yard.

He hasn't been here since she moved into this yard two years ago.

In his impression, this was the most remote courtyard in Jiefu, and he never came, so he asked her to move here to live here, just out of sight and out of sight.

By the moonlight, he saw this courtyard and was slightly surprised.

"Why is it so dilapidated?"

Weeds are overgrown everywhere, the thirsty lotus pond is full of dried up mud, and the water pavilion on the lotus pond has no place to sit, because most of the green tiles on the top of the water pavilion are broken, and the rainwater Fall down and rot the two willow benches.

(End of this chapter)

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