Chapter 567 Let's get away

The boy said in a low voice: This courtyard is a deserted one, no one repairs it, so it is naturally like this.But he didn't say that, he just said: "I heard less...Miss Du doesn't like outsiders entering her yard."

"Oh..." Second Young Master Xie understood, and snorted coldly.

That's right, I heard from Ah Qing that that woman doesn't like people entering her yard.

OK, so be it.

Passing through the dilapidated corridors and waterside pavilions, Second Young Master Xie finally came to the main hall of this deserted courtyard.

Miss Du was sitting in the main hall in light clothes, as if she was waiting for someone.

That's right, she is waiting for him. This woman can figure everything out, so she naturally knows that he will come tonight, so she sits here and waits on purpose.

"Second young master, Xin Tong is sick, so he can't get up to salute, please forgive me."

She was really sick, too sick to stay in bed.Secondly, since he hated her completely, she felt that there was no need to be so humble to him anymore. Anyway, whether she did something right or wrong was wrong in front of him.

Second Young Master Xie looked at the woman sitting upright, beside her was a not-so-bright oil lamp, with a simple hairstyle, and the brows were as plain as a pool of stagnant water.

Yes, that's what she looks like.She used to be domineering and domineering. Since she moved into this yard, he has seen her very few times. Every time he sees her, she looks like this.

When her father saw her like this, he felt distressed, and said that her heart was broken, and it was they who made her look like this.

But he felt that this woman used to put on a show, if she didn't resent, how could she be so rude?If she really didn't care about anything, how could she expect him to come tonight.

Thinking of this, he suddenly became a little more angry.

"You all go down, I have something to say to her alone."

Cuiya couldn't bear to see the young lady whom she had forced to get up, and was unwilling to retreat, but was dragged down by the servant brought by the second young master Xie.

There were only the two of them left in the room, and a dying oil lamp.

A moment later, Second Young Master Xie's angry voice sounded in the room, causing the flames to flicker in shock: "Huh...put away that hypocritical face of yours, I'm here to warn you, don't try to pretend to be pitiful in front of my family , don't try to drive a wedge between my family. You feel sorry for you, but you don't want to think about who caused all this?
Before you made the decision to insist on marrying into the Xie family, I warned you that it was your own wishful thinking, thinking that you can do whatever you want by taking the title of my wife?

Do you see it now?You won't get anything other than the title of wife, and I won't let you enjoy this honor, so you should never dream of going out to meet people. "

Miss Du frowned, and suddenly asked: "So it was your idea to lock the door?"

"My idea?" Second Young Master Xie said lightly, "Yes, my idea."

Since it was Ah Qing who locked it, it doesn't matter if it was my idea or not.

Miss Du smiled wryly: "Then you came tonight to warn me how much you hate me. In fact, you don't have to do this, because I have always known it."

"You know best." The second young master Xie didn't know why, but he felt bored.

Miss Du breathed a sigh of relief, remembering what Gu Youyou said to her today, she said: "In that case, why don't we make up, and go to reconcile adults tomorrow."

In front of him, she didn't call Mr. Xie her father, otherwise he would have to quarrel with her and make fun of her.He doesn't care about a title, so what does she care about?
(End of this chapter)

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