Chapter 568
"You want to make peace with me?" The second young master Xie thought he heard it wrong, but she actually proposed to make peace?

"Yes, Heli. I don't think I did anything wrong. It's because you don't want to see me, so it's Heli."

Heh, what's the difference between divorce and divorce?By the way, Xie's family does not allow divorce, saying that she will make peace with her.

"Is this true?"

Even though he heard her say such words with his own mouth, he still couldn't believe that she was willing to leave?What does reconciliation mean to a woman?At the beginning, she tried her best to marry in.

Miss Du raised her head and looked around the house. The rotten doors and windows, the leaky roof, were so cold that she had no place to warm her body.

Lack of food and clothing, and even the candles can't be turned on, isn't that enough?
He won't let her occupy this position forever, if she doesn't leave, she can only die.

She is the only one left in the Yu family, so Man Xiu can't break the lineage in her hand, she can't just die in this deserted courtyard like this!After thinking about these things, she always wanted to live.

She smiled wryly, and said softly: "You're going to kill me, what am I going to do here? The Yu family's embroidery can't be broken in my hands."

"I want your life?" Second Young Master Xie asked in surprise.

As soon as the words fell, he immediately thought that it was his intention that she lived here. She was sick and locked the gate of the courtyard to prevent her from seeking medical treatment. Ah Qing did it, and he did it, so it was not exactly what he wanted her for. Is it dead?
Seeing her talking about reconciliation so frankly, he felt flustered for some reason.

Isn't it what he always wanted to let her give up the position of wife?Why are you flustered?
Second Young Master Xie hurriedly shook his head, put the inexplicable emotions in his heart behind him, and sighed: "It's rare that you can figure it out by yourself. If you knew today, why bother? The whole family was disturbed. Okay, If you can convince Dad to agree, we will divorce."

There was no expression in Miss Du's eyes, but her face was too thin and pale.She nodded slightly, and said, "Thank you! I will definitely convince Mr. Xie to agree!"

The Second Young Master Xie looked at her suddenly, seeing her palpitating sickness with the help of the faint firelight, and suddenly felt that she was really pitiful.

Perhaps this woman will soon have nothing to do with him, and when he looks at her, he doesn't hate her as much as before.

Neither of them spoke, and the room was eerily quiet for a while.

Just as Miss Du was about to speak, she was snatched away by Second Young Master Xie.

"Master Du is an old friend of our Xie family. You are his daughter. After reconciling with me, I can't treat you too badly. I will ask the accountant to give you some money so that you can live comfortably in the rest of your life."

Miss Du said indifferently: "No need, the Yu family's embroidery house and the Du family's property are all in my name. After I leave your house, I will take care of those dilapidated shops and villages."

Hearing these words, Second Young Master Xie was a little annoyed.

This woman, at this point, can't she be more obedient?I have to fight with him about money.

He said angrily: "We are reconciling and not divorcing our wife. If you are asked to leave the house, where will you put the Xie family's face? The Yu family embroidery house has been closed since your mother passed away. What property does the Du family have? A few dilapidated villas, a dilapidated house, no one wants to sell at a low price, how do you manage it? You are a woman, and you still want to go out and show your face?"

"Okay!" In order to prevent him from uttering more ugly words, Miss Du had no choice but to use this word to block his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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