Chapter 570 She is leaving
Isn't he just going to hurt Miss?When he said that, Cui Ya didn't dare to give her the prescription.

Miss Du in the room heard it, and her weak voice came: "Cui Ya, give it to him."

"Miss..." Cui Ya was so wronged that she was about to cry.

Her lady is really miserable.

But when the young lady spoke, she had no choice but to listen, and could only take out the prescription that she kept neatly folded next to her body.

The Second Young Master Xie took the prescription and finally walked away.

Cuiya went back to the house, and lay down beside her poor young lady, crying into a ball. Miss Du comforted her, "Don't cry, I have troubled you all these years, when I recover from illness, we will leave, and I will take care of you." day."

After Gu Youyou's explanation, and after thinking about it for an afternoon, she finally figured it out.

Life is one's own, whether the life is good or not, it is also for oneself.Her persistence only made that person extremely disgusted, and also caused the people around her to suffer. It was because she was too stupid before.

Aunt Du knew that Second Young Master Xie had gone to that deserted courtyard, how could she sleep?Seeing that Master Xie Er, who had been away for more than an hour, finally came back, he hurriedly chased after him.

"Sir, it's late at night and the dew is heavy, Ah Qing has prepared hot water for you, let's soak your feet."

Aunt Du's cleverness lies in the fact that she will not take the initiative to ask about those things easily. This man is willing to talk about it, and he will talk about it even if you don't ask.If he wants to say it, if you ask, it will annoy him instead.Otherwise, how could she firmly lock the man's heart?

Second Young Master Xie patted Aunt Du's hand, sat on the chair, and waited for Aunt Du to wash her feet.

The woman's tender white hands and feet pressed against his feet, which was very comfortable.

He relieved the restless heart of the second young master and calmed down slowly.

He took out a prescription, looked at the name of the medicine inside, and said: "This is the prescription that Dr. Gu gave to your sister. When her illness is cured, she will leave Xie's house, and then I will find someone else." It is a suitable opportunity for you to be the wife."

Aunt Du's hands froze immediately.

She didn't ask how Dr. Gu prescribed the medicine for the woman, but was surprised that she would leave Xie's house.

"My sister, why did she leave Xie's house?"

The Xie family cannot divorce their wives, so she never mentioned the matter of letting the second young master Xie divorce his wife, she only wanted to let her die early.

"I will make peace with her." Second Young Master Xie said flatly.

"Reconciliation?" This requires both parties to agree, which is something Aunt Du never thought about.

It's never happened before for a woman to leave her husband's house, especially a woman like them in the back house of an executive in the capital.

"Then she is willing?" Aunt Du really couldn't believe that Miss Du would agree to reconcile, if it was her, she would rather die in Xie's house than reconcile, and also occupy the position of the wife.

I only saw that the second young master frowned, nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, she is willing. She was the one who brought up this matter!"

"She brought it up?" Aunt Du couldn't believe her ears.

What is this woman thinking?Is it still the old lady of the Du family who overwhelmed her everywhere?

"Why did she want to divorce?" Aunt Du couldn't help asking.

The second young master Xie sighed, and said: "She said that the Yu family's Manchu embroidery cannot be lost here. She wants to go to Jinxiu City to open the Yu family's embroidery village."

Open an embroidery shop?Aunt Du sneered.A woman who has no father and no mother, and was kicked out by her husband's family, thought it was so easy to open an embroidery village?
Hmph, she wanted to see how the embroidery village opened and closed.

(End of this chapter)

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