Chapter 571 Thinking of the Past

When she finishes tossing about the little wealth left to her by the Yu family and the Du family, let's see where she cries.

"That's right!" The second young master Xie remembered something, and asked Aunt Du again: "You should also learn the manchu embroidery from Yu's family, right? Your aunt went there when you were very young. Before Madam Du was alive, she always took it. You, Du Xintong learned embroidery when you also learned it, right?"

"Me?" Auntie Du looked away, lowered her head and continued to wash the feet of Second Young Master Xie, and said, "I learned a little, but I'm too stupid to learn as well as Eldest Sister, and then I stopped learning."

The Second Young Master Xie was silent for a moment, then snorted again, and said, "That's her own mother, she naturally learned better than you. Ah Qing, it's not that you are too stupid, it's just that Mrs. Du didn't teach you seriously."

He took out a little tiger sachet full of embroidery from his waist, the workmanship was rough and the embroidery was awkward, the embroidery was really not flattering.

He was only six years old when his mother died, and he couldn't cry.There was no woman in Jie's mansion who could take care of him, so Madam Du took him to live in Du's mansion for two days.

During the two days in the Du Mansion, he locked himself in the room without seeing anyone, and then it was Ah Qing who coaxed him out with the little tiger.

From then on, he remembered the little girl with the little tiger.

"Only Ah Qing's craftsmanship can make this tiger look like this. Uglier is ugly, but it is very cute. Well, it seems that Mrs. Du is right when she says you are stupid, otherwise the famous man embroidered , how could it be embroidered like this?"

He kept his eyes on the poorly embroidered little tiger, but he didn't notice at all that the face of the woman who lowered her head to wash his feet was already pale.

After not getting a response from Aunt Du for a long time, he put away the little tiger, lowered his head and asked, "Why aren't you talking?"

Aunt Du took a deep breath to calm herself down again, before she raised her head and said, "My husband is using this little tiger as an issue again, are you making fun of Ah Qing for being too stupid?"

Second Young Master Xie laughed loudly and said, "How come? I praise you for your good embroidery."

Thinking of the past, the smile didn't last long, and after a while, Second Young Master Xie became melancholy again.

"That was the year when we both lost our mothers. You only have one little tiger left, and I only have one little tiger left. By the way, I haven't seen yours for a long time. Where did you put it?"

"Me?" Aunt Du lowered her head and said, "That's something I played with when I was young. It's so big that I stopped playing with it a long time ago, so I put it away. If Mr. Xianggong wants to see it, I'll give it to you." take."

Second Young Master Xie saw that she looked wrong, quickly waved his hands, and said, "No, don't worry too much, it's my fault, which caused another sad thing."


Gu Youyou was grounded, and Lin Qianqing was also grounded.

She's fine here, except for not letting her go out, nothing else makes things difficult for her.I just don't know what's going on with Lin Qianqing?I don't know if she is really copying women's rings.

Gu Youyou pulled Xiang Toon over, and said, "You can send this pot of beef to the eldest lady, and say that I stewed it myself."

Xiang Toon is the person her grandmother put on her. Although she is serving by her side, she belongs to the old lady of the Lin family. Anyone who wants to come to her aunt has to weigh it carefully if she wants to stop her.

Xiang Toon lifted the lid of the crock pot and saw that a pungency rushed out immediately, making her cough.

She said: "What kind of stew is this? What's wrong with giving this stuff to the eldest lady, don't make it wrong for the eldest lady to eat it."

(End of this chapter)

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