Chapter 572

Gu Youyou glanced at the earthen pot with only a few chili peppers, and couldn't bear their fuss, so she said: "I added medicinal food to stew it, the eldest lady is cold, so I gave her food to dispel the cold."

Oh, no wonder it smells so bad.

Miss Biao is a miracle doctor, Miss Li was punished for Miss Biao again yesterday, as a maid, she understands Miss Biao's actions very well.

She nodded happily, and said: "Okay, I'll send it to the eldest lady right now. If Miss Biao really likes it, I will definitely tell the eldest lady that no matter how unpalatable it is, she will definitely be so moved that she will eat it."

Gu Youyou raised her forehead.

Where is it unpalatable?Super delicious, okay?

Peppers are a kind of medicine, and these few peppers are not cheap.

Seeing Xiang Toon leading the crock pot away, Gu Youyou took a crock pot from another stove.

This pot is stewed for herself, and more peppers are put in.

She likes to eat spicy food, and it's refreshing to see this red one.

"Hey, wait a minute, it's even more delicious if you add a herb to it."

Gu Youyou lifted the crock pot back to the stove, and went into the house to look for herbs.

Here, Xiang Toon has already sent the pot of beef in red soup to Miss Lin Qianqing.

I heard that the eldest lady was punished to copy women's precepts a hundred times a hundred times, she might not be able to finish copying even Li Xia.

very pitiful!
Fortunately, there is Miss Cousin's Love Beef Pot.

"Stop!" The two women stood guard at the gate of Lin Qianqing's courtyard, and they were sitting on the side eating melon seeds.Seeing someone wanting to enter, he immediately stood up and stopped him.

Xiang Toon coughed, straightened his neck, and said: "The old lady asked me to bring a pot of broth to the young miss, do you want to stop me?"

I have to say that it was right for the old lady to send such a clever toon to Gu Youyou's side. Another maid with such a brain might not have the aura to bluff people.

"Don't dare, Miss Toon, please come in."

Who dares to stop the old lady's people, and they are only giving food.

Seeing Xiang Toon go in, one of the women asked curiously: "Didn't Miss Xiang Toon be sent by the old lady to serve in Miss Cousin's yard? Why did she go back again?"

"You don't care about her, anyway, she said that the old lady sent the food."

The woman nodded and said, "That's right, come on, let's continue talking about the Fu family. Eat melon seeds and melon seeds..."

When Xiang Toon entered, she saw the two maidservants beside Miss Lin hanging her written words on the ropes in the yard one by one, and Miss Lin herself had set up a table in the yard with sleeves Roll up, write like flying.


Toon was stunned.

She can't write, she has seen writing, but she has never seen someone who can write so fast.

Next to the young lady's table was not an inkstone, but a small bucket half filled with ink.

Miss, copying female rings with a bucket of ink?

Looking at the copybooks hanging on the rope to dry, it is true that she is illiterate, but she has never seen these one by one, and she can't tell the words at all.

Miss Biao's handwriting is really harder to understand than Miss Biao's.

"Toon? What are you doing here?"

Lin Qianqing raised her head in a hurry and glanced at Xiang Toon, but her hands didn't stop.

It was her voice that brought the dazed Xiang Toon back to reality from his trance.

Xiang Toon shook for a bit, held the pot containing the beef and said, "Miss Biao sent this from my servant, saying it's for you to drive away the cold."

"What?" Lin Qianqing glanced at the earthen pot, but her hands still didn't stop.

While speaking, she had already written two pieces of paper.

(End of this chapter)

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