It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 576 She walked out of the barren courtyard

Chapter 576 She walked out of the barren courtyard
Miss Du was indeed seriously ill, but Gu Youyou gave her an injection yesterday, and her health was slightly better.

She had to drink the medicine today, otherwise her condition would get worse.

Sitting in the courtyard basking in the sun, Miss Du said to Cui Ya, "Cui Ya, if the Second Young Master hasn't brought back the medicine by noon, you can go and find the Third Miss."

After thinking about it all night, she thought it through very thoroughly, she couldn't just die like this.

In the past, she might not care about her body, she would be sick if she was sick, and she would be clean after death.Now that she doesn't want to die, she has a little fear of death.

If he really died, what would the Yu family's embroidery spinner do?

As for Cuiya, it is rare to see a trace of the will to survive in her young lady, so she was overjoyed, and hurriedly responded: "Hey, Cuiya will go outside now, maybe the second young master has brought the medicine back for the young lady It's over."

This girl is a man of action, she goes as soon as she says she wants to, but she ran back after a while.

Behind her was the angry Aunt Du.

It's been a long time since she guarded this deserted courtyard safely, and she hasn't come to trouble herself for a long time.

So when Miss Du saw her suddenly, she was very surprised.

Oh, by the way, the second young master came here last night. Since the second young master came to make trouble for her, she would come to show off the next day. She just wanted to start a new life, so she almost gave up this rule. forget.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, I can't stay here for a few days."

The Second Young Master Xie must have told her what she said about He Li last night. He would definitely tell her to make her happy.

She agreed to divorce, which was the happiest event for her.

The strange thing is that this time Auntie Du didn't say anything insulting and showing off, she just said to her in a calm voice: "Can you get out of this yard? If you can, go to the flower hall, someone is looking for you."

Miss Du didn't look at her, but she also knew that she said these words through gritted teeth.

Back then, she could hear clearly what Second Young Master Xie had promised her, and she could think clearly.

He said, apart from giving himself the status of a regular wife, he would get nothing, including the honor of the second young mistress of Jiefu.

So they tried their best to trap her in the back house, and never let her go out to meet guests as a wife.

But why is this today?Is it because of what I said last night?
With a surprised expression, Miss Du went down to the flower hall of the main courtyard with Cui Ya's support.

Second Young Master Xie's main wife came, wearing plain clothes, her hair was gently tied up with a simple jade hairpin, coupled with her thin body, and her pale face when she was ill, she looked elegant and quiet. .

Such a fragile beauty, unexpectedly lost to the vulgar woman with heavy makeup just now.

If Madam thought, it must be because of the unique taste of the Xie Er molecule, otherwise it would be really puzzling.

"Mrs. Ru!" Miss Du bowed slightly.

Mrs. Ru asked her to get up quickly, and said: "I heard that the second young lady is ill, so I came here abruptly."

Regarding Mrs. Ru looking for Miss Du, not only Aunt Du was confused, but also Miss Du herself.

Looking back on herself, she seemed to have never had any contact with Mrs. Ru, not even in her mother's generation. What did she come to find herself for?
Mrs. Ru quickly understood Miss Du's doubts.

She took out a purse and said, "I came to look for Second Young Mistress mainly because of it."

(End of this chapter)

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