Chapter 577

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Ru brought the jin to Nanny Zhang beside her, and asked Nanny Zhang to show it to Miss Du.

Miss Du took the belt and said in surprise, "The brocade of the Jin family, the full embroidery of the Yu family?"

"Exactly!" Mrs. Ru said: "I heard that the second young lady of the Xie family is the only heir of the Yu family's Manxiu. Young Mistress can fix it for me."

The embroidery of Yu's family is also the old business that Miss Du plans to resume, so she will naturally not refuse.

Moreover, the other party's status as a wife, with such a low profile, can't allow her to refuse.

Miss Du said: "It's my concubine's blessing to be able to repair the belt for Madam. Please wait a moment, Madam, I will be able to repair Madam soon."

"It's work."

Hearing that Miss Du was able to repair her waistband, Mrs. Ru is in a good mood.All the discomforts of coming to Xie's house disappeared because of Miss Du's decent manner.

"Cui Ya, go to my room and get the tools."

"Yes, ma'am."

Hearing that the servant girl called Miss Du Miss, instead of Second Young Mistress, Mrs. Naru looked at her in surprise again.

This family is really interesting.

Aunt Du was waiting outside the flower hall, the embroidered handkerchief in her hand was almost torn by her.

She wanted to go in, but the powerful woman brought by Mrs. Ru was guarding the door, and only Miss Du was allowed to go in, but she was stopped outside the door.

Cui Ya dodged Aunt Du, ran back quickly to get the repair tools, and went to the flower hall.

Not long after, the Second Young Master Jie who went out early in the morning to get medicine at Jishengtang also came back.

He was startled when he saw the luxury carriage of the concierge, and he was even more shocked when he saw Aunt Du's vicious look when he entered the door.

In his eyes, Aunt Du has always been a gentle and amiable person, how could she have such an expression.

"Ah Qing, what's wrong?"

Second Young Master Xie had ordered someone to make medicine for Miss Du. Seeing Aunt Du like this made him feel strange and scared.

What happened to make her like this?

Aunt Du was startled when she heard the voice suddenly.

Quickly turned around, and saw Second Young Master Xie in a blue long gown.

The second young master Xie was born well, with handsome eyebrows and eyes, he was a perfect match for Xintong.This is what she heard Mrs. Du say before.

At that time, she was still young, and she only knew that she liked the second elder brother of the Xie family, so she always thought that the only one who was worthy of the second young master Xie was herself.

Mrs. Du said that he matched Miss Du only because she was her daughter.

But now that Su Jing figure suddenly appeared in his mind, he didn't realize that what Mrs. Du said had some truth.

The thought slipped through her brain, startling her into a cold sweat.

She shook her head hurriedly, put the unease to the back of her head, and said to the second young master Xie: "Master, if Madam is here, she only sees her sister, and she dislikes me as a concubine, so I... Wait outside."

Far away, the wives who were guarding outside like Mrs. Ru were not happy when they heard this sentence.

It is true that Mrs. Ru doesn't like her and won't let her in, but when did Mrs. Ru say that she despises her as a concubine?

Aunt Du's words fell into the ears of the second master, and he immediately became angry.

No wonder he was so angry with his Ah Qing.

I wanted to say that Mrs. Naru was also a concubine, so I ignored it, but when I saw the women with unfriendly expressions in front of the flower hall opposite, I stopped talking.

He patted Aunt Du on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Go, I'll take you in."

 Eight chapters are enough for today, see you tomorrow morning

(End of this chapter)

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