It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 581 Don't Want His Mercy

Chapter 581 Don't Want His Mercy
The second young master ordered that the medicine should be brought to the second young mistress as soon as it is decocted. The doctor has said that the medicine should be drunk while it is hot.

But now this describes... The three of them are fighting again?

Seeing how pitiful the second young mistress was, the maid bit the bullet to break the embarrassment.

"Second Young Master, Second Young Mistress's medicine is ready."

Just now, the second young master was still immersed in his own thoughts, thinking about what he should say.

Miss Du hasn't said that Aunt Du should be held accountable, which made him not know how to speak.

Now that this witty maid broke the embarrassment, he really liked it.

He breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down his voice: "Give her a drink, you go out."

After putting down the medicine, the maidservant ran away as if fleeing.

Second Young Master Xie turned his eyes back to Miss Du again, seeing that she hadn't taken the bowl of medicine, he could only remind her: "The doctor said that the medicine should be drunk while it's hot."

Looking at the medicine, Miss Du was in a daze.

So he wasn't there early in the morning, did he really go to fetch medicine?

The Second Young Master Xie saw that Miss Du still didn't drink, so he had to say again: "Since we have agreed to reconcile, I will not harm you at this time. You don't want to die, I still have face in Xiefu, don't worry Drink it, it's not poisonous."

Yeah, they've always been on guard against each other.

Miss Du was really afraid that Second Young Master Xie would give her a bowl of poison for Aunt Du.

In front of them, she drank it down.

Seeing that the medicine bowl was empty, Second Young Master Xie said again: "After you recover from illness, we will divorce. I will give you some compensation, enough for you to resume embroidery spinning in Jinxiu City. From then on, neither will owe you anything. As for Ah Qing's matter, I hope you don't pursue it any further, otherwise..."

Otherwise, he didn't say anything later, but she knew what he wanted to say.

This is a warning to her.

Miss Du swallowed the tears that were about to flow and the bitter medicine that she hadn't had time to swallow, and said, "I'm sleepy, so I'll go back first. When Mr. Xie comes back, let someone call me. This is the same as Li Bar."

Miss Du didn't look at the two of them any more, and got up straight away.

Cuiya was waiting outside the door, and when she saw Miss Du coming out, she helped her up.

Seeing her attitude like this, Second Young Master Xie felt depressed.

He pushed away Aunt Du who was hiding behind him and grabbed his sleeve, chased the thin figure to the door, and said, "No rush, we'll talk about it when you recover."

Not urgent?Miss Du was stunned for a moment. The stimulation just now made her dizzy so badly that she couldn't move her feet.

Xu Shizhen was so sick that he aroused a trace of pity in him.

He actually said something that was not in a hurry, didn't he not want to see her for a moment?

Cuiya was a little anxious when she saw that something was wrong with her young lady, why didn't she leave?

Miss Du bit the tip of her tongue to make herself more awake. She couldn't faint at this moment, and she had to stay in that deserted courtyard no matter what.

Otherwise, the couple will feel that she is playing some tricks.

"Cui...Cuiya, quickly help...I'm going!" Miss Du said weakly.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Miss Du was so weak that she almost put all her weight on Cui Ya.

Cui Ya, who was as thin as Miss Du, seemed to be struggling a bit. Seeing Miss Du like this, she became more and more worried.

"Miss, miss..." Cui Ya called to her in a crying voice.

"Shh, don't...don't talk, just take me away."

The Second Young Master Xie in front of the flower hall behind him looked at Miss Du's master and servant next to a tree of apricot blossoms, and finally realized something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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