Chapter 582 So Stubborn
He suddenly felt his heart beating, and strode towards Miss Du.

Aunt Du, who came out behind her, saw this situation and hurriedly followed, seeing that the situation ahead was not right, she came up with a plan in her mind.

She tilted her body, said 'Ouch', and fell behind Mr. Xie Er.

Second Young Master Xie walked behind Miss Du, and was about to reach out, when he heard Aunt Du's exclamation behind her.Looking back, he saw Aunt Du who fell on the ground and was looking at him with tears in her eyes. He frowned a little annoyed, thought for a moment, and decided to help Aunt Du up.

"You're such an adult, why don't you walk carefully?" Second Young Master Xie asked in a low voice.

Aunt Du said aggrievedly: "Master, my concubine accidentally slipped on my foot."

It was really time to skate, Cui Ya glanced at it lightly and sneered.

What the lady said is right, what kind of people they are, after so many years, can't they still see clearly?

She used all her strength to help her young lady up, and walked to the most remote deserted courtyard. Even if the young lady really fainted here today, she should never expect that ruthless blind man There is half a trace of mercy.

Second Young Master Xie looked at the stubborn pair of master and servant, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

He handed Aunt Du to the handmaiden at the side, thought for a while, and quickly followed them.

Aunt Du stomped her feet in anger and shouted loudly, "Master, where are you going? My knees are bleeding."

"Have someone get you the medicine, go back and wait for me first." The second young master Xie left this sentence, and accelerated his steps.

After catching up with Miss Du, the master and servant, Second Young Master Xie picked up Miss Du, picked her up and walked into the deserted courtyard.

The person in his arms was as light as a feather, his cheeks were thin, and there was no trace of blood on his lips, but something red like blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

It was the blood from the tip of her tongue that had just been bitten.

She was so thin and so stubborn.

Second Young Master Xie's heart twitched violently, and he said angrily, "You're already so sick, why do you still have to be brave?"

Miss Du half-closed her eyes, and her voice was as thin as silk: "If I don't try to be brave, how will Cui Ya's little body take me back?"

"It's not that there's me..." Halfway through, the voice stopped abruptly.He was afraid that he had never been in her consideration.

"There are so many people in the mansion, you are the master anyway, how can they ignore you? Let you stay in that courtyard..."

Miss Du interrupted him, and said with a wry smile: "How dare they take care of it?"

Second Young Master Xie's eyes suddenly darkened, and he said coldly, "What do you mean? Do you want to say that even these servants dare not listen to you and abuse you?"

Is not it?

Miss Du could only smile wryly. She took a breath and said, "Let me down, otherwise, there will be troubles again."

Second Young Master Xie froze for a moment, then stopped.

Cui Ya has been following behind them with tears in her eyes. Seeing the second young master in front of her stop, she hastily stretched out her hand to pick up her young lady.

But the second young master only gave her a cold look, and then walked forward with Miss Du in his arms.

"Even if we don't live together, we are still husband and wife now."

Miss Du just thought it was ridiculous. When did they live together?It's just a false name of husband and wife, so why deceive yourself?
She no longer has the energy to argue with him, and she doesn't want to say even one more word with him, so let it be.


(End of this chapter)

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