Chapter 583 Find your own problems
Aunt Du, who was putting medicine on her knee, was so angry that she dropped something again. A servant girl ran in cautiously, knelt down in front of Aunt Du and said, "Second Young Master carried that bitch into her yard, and he hasn't come out yet. Listen Said that bitch passed out, and the second young master suspected that there was something wrong with the medicine, so he already sent someone to call the imperial physician."

Aunt Du gritted her teeth and said fiercely: "So he will stay in that bitch's house for a long time?"

The maid was trembling with fright, and looked up at Aunt Du's cannibalistic eyes, and she could only bite the bullet and say, "Second Young Master is afraid that if she dies, the family's reputation will be bad, if there is something wrong with the medicine... "

"Enough!" Aunt Du shouted loudly, "Get out, get out."

In this mansion, except for a few masters, no one dared to provoke Aunt Du. Seeing such a violent temper, all the servants hurriedly retreated and walked far away.

Aunt Du's voice of throwing things and cursing came from the room: "You bastard, you said you want to divorce, but you play this kind of trick, do you think I'm so easy to deceive?"

On Miss Du's side, the imperial physician has already been invited. After checking the pulse and looking at the dregs of the medicine that Miss Du drank, the imperial physician already knows it well.

Second Young Master Xie asked anxiously: "Prince Fang, but is there something wrong with that medicine?"

The imperial doctor stroked his beard and snorted, and said: "You people, whenever a patient has a problem, he blames the doctor, but he never finds the problem on himself. The reason why your wife fainted is because she has been ill for a long time and has not recovered. training.

She's so sick, why do you still make her angry?Could it be that she is really not allowed to live?I've heard about your Xiejia, and after looking at it today, I think those rumors are true. "

The Second Young Master Xie felt very guilty, and admitted his mistake in a low voice: "Physician Fang taught me the right thing, Zhong Lin was careless. This kind of thing will never happen again."

"Well, fortunately, there is nothing serious. I should wake up in a while, and you just need to take care of it." Doctor Fang began to pack his things and was about to get up and leave.

Hearing these words from Imperial Physician Fang, Second Young Master Xie relaxed, and asked again: "Is there still something wrong with that medicine, do you want to continue taking it?"

Physician Fang snorted angrily: "What's wrong with the medicine? Of course you have to drink it. Didn't I say that your wife's fainting is your own problem, and it has nothing to do with the medicine. I can say that the person who prescribed this medicine has the best medical skills. Above all, the only ones who come to the capital with better medical skills than this old man are Imperial Physicians Xu and Imperial Physician Cui, I wonder which of them made this prescription?"

The face was slapped so badly that the second young master Xie was choked for a long time and couldn't speak.

He was thinking of Gu Youyou, a young girl. Even if she cured her typhoid fever in Lingnan, it might be a coincidence. How could she be better than the imperial physician in the palace?

That's why he no longer trusted her, so he asked someone to invite Imperial Physician Fang, but just now what Imperial Physician Fang said...

What should he say?Saying that this prescription was prescribed by a yellow-haired girl, wouldn't that even slap Imperial Doctor Fang in the face?

Cui Ya, who was waiting beside her, didn't think much of it, she said: "Huifang Imperial Physician, my lady's illness was seen by Dr. Gu from Jishengtang, so she prescribes the prescription naturally."

Doctor Gu?
Imperial Physician Fang turned around in surprise and looked at the Second Young Master Jie.

Dr. Gu, he has heard about such a big event in Lingnan, it was first spread in their Tai Hospital, of course he knows about Gu Youyou.Now the hospital still has her original plan on preventing and treating typhoid fever, and they keep it like a treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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