Chapter 594 He Is Not Alone
Everyone knows the truth that weeds need to be eradicated. The third prince and the young prince are both alive, and they have always been a thorn in the emperor's heart.

"Can you find him?" Lin Xingyi asked again.

Gu Youyou thought for a while, then showed embarrassment, shook her head and said: "No. He is elusive, and it is not easy to find. Jin Zijin and the others have been looking for him for a long time, and the national teacher has been looking for him, and now the court is also looking for him, but Nobody caught him."

Lin Xingyi didn't make things difficult for Gu Youyou, but only nodded slightly.

That's right, so many people are looking for him, Gu Youyou is a girl, how can she find him, unless he takes the initiative to find Gu Youyou.

"Next time he comes to see you, he must tell uncle."

Gu Youyou nodded and said, "Okay!"

After a while, Yue Rujing came out, Master Li's face was pale, and he didn't know what Yue Rujing said to scare him like that.

As soon as Mr. Li came out, he quickly bowed to Lin Xingyi and said, "I don't know that Dr. Gu is Mr. Lin's niece. Please forgive me, Mr. Lin."

"No problem!" Lin Xingyi said lightly.

Yue Rujing stepped forward, threw the medicine bottle to Gu Youyou, and said, "Put it away, let's go."

Gu Youyou smiled dryly, saluted Master Li, and hurriedly chased after Yue Rujing.

I didn't expect that his identity would be very easy to use in the capital. If it wasn't for him, it would be difficult for Lin Xingyi alone.

This is the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Many high-ranking officials in the capital have been imprisoned here. He will give Lin Xingyi some face, but he will definitely not compromise Lin Xingyi like he compromised with Yue Rujing.


After Gu Youyou's incident happened, she was grounded again.

This time, it was not only my aunt's idea, but also my uncle's grandmother's idea. Even Lin Qianqing, who had been thinking about going out all day, agreed.

The reason is that Jin Ziyuan is being wanted. His illness is the same as Gu Youyou's. Gu Youyou has the medicine he needs here. In order to prevent that guy from finding her again, she must live in a protective circle.

In fact, Gu Youyou wanted to say that if Jin Ziyuan really wanted to come to her, the Lin residence would be like no man's land to him.

Gu Youyou didn't believe that Jin Ziyuan was alone, how could he escape the pursuit of Jin Zijin and the national teacher.Several times he came to look for him, but he came and left safely.The third prince dared to rebel, and he was definitely not one to wait for nothing. Although he fell and died, it doesn't mean that his old department is gone.

After the Qing eradicated the Ming Dynasty, the remnants of the Ming Dynasty have been going on for a long time.

In order to avoid trouble and make them feel at ease, that's fine.

"Yuyou, these are the snake venoms that I brought for you last time, what are you going to do?"

A little bit of snake venom is contained in a small porcelain bottle, which is very precious.

This is highly poisonous, and this is enough for her to use it for a long time.

Gu Youyou was imprisoned in the Lin Mansion, so her laboratory also moved here.

"Wait here for me, I'll come when I go."

The weather has warmed up a lot, and it is the time when the warblers are flying and the grass is growing and a hundred flowers are blooming.The Lin family's yard is huge, and her peculiar 'pet garden' is in the garden.

A horse was used by her as an experiment, and Lin Qianqing was in palpitations for a long time, saying that Gu Youyou was too cruel to feed such a cute pony with such a highly poisonous poison.

Gu Youyou didn't want to, who made the effect of horses better than mice.

After a while, she finished feeding and went back, and Jin Zijin was still sitting by the window sill.

He said: "I heard that Eldest Miss Du has already asked Mr. Xie about reconciling, but Mr. Xie didn't agree, so the second young master Xie doesn't seem to be in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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