Chapter 595
It's been a long time since I inquired about the Lin family. Gu Youyou said: "Miss Du has endured it for so long. A person like her will not change easily once she has made a decision. Mr. Xie is a person who values ​​affection. In the face of Miss Du's parents, he will not make up his mind easily. When he understands that it is for her good to let Miss Du go, he will agree. Miss Du is just recovering from a serious illness, so there is no rush."

Jin Zijin smiled and said, "How did you convince Miss Du to get away? I thought you would help her win favor."

Gu Youyou said with a smile: "Why do you think that?" Immediately, she thought of Jin Zijin, an ancient man. People in this era would rather die in the Jie family mansion than make up with each other. She proposed The way of reconciling and leaving is really unprecedented.

She said softly: "A person like Mr. Xie Er is not worth fighting for by Miss Du. Being blind like him is considered the best, and it is more terrifying to fight for such a person than Heli. Aunt Du is obviously Can't tolerate her, if life is gone, what's the point of fighting for those vain names? Miss Du is a sensible person, so she just sent someone to point it out for her. It's not that she couldn't think of it, but she didn't dare to think about it. Alas! These women are just You have to suffer to save face."

After Jin Zijin heard this, he stared at the lamp silently.Her temperament is unique and full of temptation, her personality is very independent, and she will never be born dependent on a man.

But women in this world are all dependent on men.

"That's true, but Aunt Du is not a worry-free person. I'm afraid it will be uneasy for Miss Du to leave."

Gu Youyou smiled mysteriously, and said, "I've already planned it, so don't worry about it."

"Oh? Do you have Aunt Du's handle?"


"Oh, well, let's see how you make Mr. Xie owe this favor." Jin Zijin said with a low smile, but he thought it would not be that simple.

The things that Xiao Jinyan climbed the wall and said these days don't seem quite right.


In April, the weather in the north is hot.Miss Du and the second young master Xie wanted to reconcile and leave. Mr. Xie was so angry that when he got home, he pulled the second young master Xie to him and reprimanded him, but he still didn't let go of his agreement.

"The old man has been frank and frank all his life, and everything goes smoothly, but his marriage has made him uneasy all day long.

You rebellious son, do you know that you have lost all my old face, go and listen, what is the most talked about in the court today?It's not a national event, but the laughing stock of the adult's backyard. If I had known you were such a thing, I should have strangled you as soon as you were born. "

Ever since the incident about his wife and concubine broke out, Second Young Master Xie has been used to being scolded by Mr. Xie over the years, but he scolded him more in the past month, so he doesn't really care.

Mr. Xie sat on a chair and scolded, and he just knelt on the ground to listen, and when he got tired of scolding, he would forget about it today.

The Second Young Master Xie bowed his head and said nothing, Master Xie continued.

"If you hadn't abused Xintong, how could she have proposed reconciliation in despair? Look at what you have done to her these years? Her father handed over her good daughter to me before he died. What is it like now? ? You are unfilial, and I am tired of being unrighteous, you rebellious son, what else do you have to say now?"

Second Young Master Xie said in a low voice: "Ah Qing is also Master Du's daughter, why do you all only care about Du Xintong and never care about Ah Qing? Is it because she is a concubine?"

(End of this chapter)

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