Chapter 596 Prejudice

"Ah Qing, Ah Qing, you pervert know Ah Qing all day long!" Don't mention Du Wanqing, but when Du Wanqing was mentioned, Mr. Xie was so angry that he smashed a cup.

With a muffled sound, the cup hit Second Young Master Xie's forehead, bleeding immediately.

Seeing the bright red blood, Mr. Xie was stunned for a moment.But when he thought of the bad things this son had done these years, he couldn't suppress his anger.

"Everyone is like you the most. Apart from this skin, how else do you resemble me? The ancestors of my Xie family have never been like you. I don't like Du Wanqing not because she is a concubine, but because she is a concubine. That woman's heart is not good, can't you see it?"

The second young master Xie's forehead hurt so much that he felt cold, but he still insisted, "That's because you have prejudice against Ah Qing. You don't like her because I like her. Because of her, it's against your will. Once she doesn't like another person, then she does everything for a purpose, and it's wrong to do anything, isn't that how you look at Ah Qing."

Hearing these words, Mr. Xie was stunned on the spot for a moment, and after a while he came back to his senses, and then smiled instead of anger.

"Hahaha... Yes, you actually understand these principles. I thought you were so blind that you didn't know anything. Haha, so you have a problem with Xintong. You don't like her, what does she do? You don't feel pleasing to the eye, do you?"

Second Young Master Xie's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't want his father to refute his words on the spot.

"Father, I'm talking about Ah Qing now. You help Du Xintong every time, and how much anger Ah Qingbai suffers, don't you know?"

Mr. Xie said: "Yes, I helped Xin Tong. Then how many times did I help? Did you help Du Wanqing a lot?"

"I..." Second Young Master Xie was rendered speechless by his words.

Dad even admitted that he helped Du Xintong, how could he say that he didn't help Ah Qing?
"Forget it, you're blind. I haven't screwed you over for so many years, and I don't expect you to understand. Get lost, I don't want to see you."

Seeing that Second Young Master Xie had a lot of blood on his forehead, Mr. Xie had no choice but to drive him out.

The second young master Xie came out of Mrs. Xie's room in a daze, his mind was blank, as if he had grasped something important, but he seemed to have grasped nothing.

When the servants saw the second young master coming out of the master's room with blood on his face, they were all startled, and rushed forward to support him.

"Second young master, what's wrong with you?"

"Come quickly, please come, the doctor, the second young master is injured..."


Aunt Du was having a hard time, she dropped countless cups and vases.

He said earlier that when Du Xintong recovered from his illness, Second Young Master Du would reconcile with her, but it had been so long, and even after she recovered from her illness, he did not know when the reconciliation would be possible.

They did mention it, but what's the use of being indifferent?The old man didn't take it seriously at all.

"Tell me, what is the second young master thinking now? If he had the courage to marry me and go to fight with the old man every day, how could he be inseparable?"

She grabbed the maid beside her and asked, the fierce look frightened the maid.

The servant girl who knew her temper well didn't dare to say what she didn't like to hear, and only followed her heart and said: "The Second Young Master was young at that time, and he was not as thoughtful as he is now. The Second Young Master must have a more secure way!"

(End of this chapter)

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