It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 598 An open and honest talk

Chapter 598 An Open and Honest Conversation
Aunt Du pinched the fish to death, and with a bloodthirsty smile on her lips, she threw the dead fish back into the fish tank.

Just repeat the old trick, but it was me who fell into the water last time, it's time for you this time.

I have been ill for five years, and it is time for you to suffer.


The second young master Xie was beaten badly with a teacup by Mrs. Xie, and he was still clinging to his beautiful woman, afraid that she would be worried, so he left the house directly and went outside to find a doctor to bandage him.

She had no idea that a big event would happen in this mansion today.

Aunt Du took her maid to find Miss Du, because Miss Du clearly expressed that she wanted to reconcile with Young Master Xie, so Aunt Du's attitude towards her was also better.

He thought to himself, no matter how much he hated her, it wouldn't be worth it at this juncture. If she was in a hurry and broke up, wouldn't she have to make up for it?As long as she is not Xie's wife, she is just a lowly abandoned woman. When I become a regular wife, won't it be easy to deal with her?

"Sister, I'm here to see you." Aunt Du worked very hard and brought Miss Du's favorite snacks.

Miss Du understood what she meant, she was in a hurry after not getting married for so long.

She said indifferently: "You don't have to be like this. It will be a matter of time before I reconcile with the second young master. Mr. Xie will figure it out."

Miss Du didn't like Aunt Du in the first place, so she had to deal with her every day without leaving. She was really tired these years.

Aunt Du asked people to put down the food boxes, and asked the maids to retreat.

Miss Du looked at Cui Ya beside her, and told her to retreat too.

Only Miss Du and Aunt Du were left in the room. Miss Du looked indifferent and asked, "Just say what you have to say. Between us, there is no need to be hypocritical, right? You are not tired of acting, I can see it." tired."

Aunt Du stopped laughing, was stunned for a moment, then laughed again, but it was a bit forced.

"Sister, why bother. I admit that I have been sorry to you all these years, but I can't help it. I am different from you. Although my father is dead, he left you a way out and found such a good marriage for you. What about me? Who Did you care about me? My aunt died when I was a child, and my husband also lost his mother that year. I cherish each other with my husband. He said earlier that he would marry me when he grows up.

But when we grew up, Mr. Xie said that the person he was going to marry was you.From childhood to adulthood, you have everything, I only have my husband, without him, I have nothing.We clearly love each other, but you insist on getting involved, what do you want me to do?Eldest sister, I don't want to treat you like that, but you come and tell me, what should I do..."

Miss Du closed her eyes, swallowing gulps of sour water into her stomach.

If it wasn't for this man, the two sisters depended on each other for life, and they wouldn't be in this state.

After a while, Miss Du opened her eyes again, looked at Aunt Du, and said, "Yes, you are in love with each other, and I was the one who forcibly penetrated between you, so I can't get his love, so I don't blame you. He No matter how you treat me, I don't blame you. But you are my sister, how many times you have killed me, you can count it yourself.

Both parents are dead, we are the only relatives in this world, if it were me, I would not kill you for a man, let alone hurt others.Wanqing, how did He Ying die?Shall I remind you? "

"Heying?" Aunt Du took a step back, remembering the death of that maid, she was so shocked that she was sweating profusely.

Two years ago, when she wanted to kill Miss Du, that loyal maid died trying to save her. After she died, she stared wide-eyed. That was Aunt Du's nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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