It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 599 Take the Father's Letter

Chapter 599 Take the Father's Letter
Miss Du clutched her heart in pain, and her heart ached when she thought of the maid who grew up with her like Cui Ya.

Before asking her to close her eyes, she said that she would avenge her.

But just like what she said just now, Du Wanqing is her only relative, how can she do it?

"Cuiya Heying was sold to the Du Mansion since she was a child and grew up with us. How can you do it? Oh, yes..." Miss Du laughed at herself and said, "Yes, you even have your own sister. You can do it, let alone she is just a maid. Whoever blocks your way to become your wife, you can kill her."

"No, it's not..." Aunt Du's face turned pale, she shook her head and backed away: "No, it was an accident, I didn't want to kill her."

"Yes, it was an accident." Miss Du said, "Because your target is me."

"You... Eldest sister!" Aunt Du was startled and frightened, and she slowly calmed down after thinking about the past ten years.

so what?So what if you are right?
You're right, whoever gets in the way dies, no matter who she is.

Her mother is a concubine, she is a concubine, and she is also a concubine. If she can't be the wife of the man she loves in this life, she will waste her life in the world and waste her husband's favor.

Aunt Du restrained herself, hurriedly put all the unhappiness in the past behind her, and forced a smile.

"Sister, the past is over, and now you have finally figured out that you want to reconcile with your husband. We are still sisters, the only relatives. Sister, I was wrong before, and you will not stay in the mansion for many days. How about ...Ah, when I came here today, I saw that the lotus flowers in the lotus pond had begun to bud. Although they haven't bloomed yet, they are still very beautiful. Let's go for a walk in the lotus pond."

"To the lotus pond?" Miss Du looked at her defensively.

She suffered a lot from her hands, so she had to guard against it.

"You go, I'm tired today and don't want to go." Before leaving Jiefu, she planned to stay in this deserted courtyard and not go anywhere if she had nothing to do.

Seeing this situation, Aunt Du burst into tears and said, "Sister, I... I just want to go with you to dig out the letter left by father."

"Father's letter?" Miss Du almost forgot about it.

"Yes, the letter left by father. Eldest sister, have you forgotten? When we first arrived in Jiefu, we buried father's letter under the willow tree by the lotus pond. Now that you are leaving, don't you want to leave father's letter behind?" Take the letter with you?"

Miss Du's complexion sank, recalling them at that time.

Father is dead, Du Mansion is finished.The two young ladies of the same age were still young, and they were afraid of being bullied by the malicious servants. Mr. Xie, who was a good friend of Mr. Du, asked people to take the two young ladies of the Du family into Xie's house.

At that time, Young Master Xie's wife was still alive and took care of Master Xie's back house in perfect order.

At that time, they didn't know that they would compete for the same man, and they didn't know that as Miss Du's fiancé, they would fall in love with Miss Du's sister.

They depended on each other, and together buried the letter left by their father under the willow tree beside the lotus pond in Jiefu.

"Good!" This good word is full of endless sadness, which reminds Miss Du of the time when they were sisters.

If fate could be repeated, she would definitely not compete with her.

That man's heart is not on her, and the result of her fight is nothing but her own suffering, harming others and herself.

Du Wanqing wasn't the only one who killed He Ying, so she, Du Xintong, was right?

(End of this chapter)

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