Chapter 600

So to create such a result, in fact, they are all wrong.

Miss Du hasn't left that deserted courtyard for a long time, and the lotus in the lotus pond has indeed grown pink buds, and there are a few early dragonflies standing on them, which look very cute.

Miss Du took a shovel and walked quietly with Aunt Du along the edge of the lotus pond until they reached the willow tree beside the waterside pavilion of the lotus pond.

The two of them had nothing to say all the way, and Miss Du felt extremely melancholy.

Before his father died, he told them to support each other. Because he knew how Mrs. Xie was, he was very relieved of Miss Du, so more, he told Miss Du to take care of her younger sister. How could he expect such a situation at that time? result.

Miss Du knelt down and began to shovel away the soil under the willow tree with the shovel.

Aunt Du stood quietly behind Miss Du, looking at the rippling blue waves, her eyes became a little crazy.

It's fine if she dies, and if she dies, no one will stop her from righting her upright.

So what if Master Xie doesn't agree, she's dead, and it's over.

Xianggong loves herself so much, she will get better and better in the future.

Miss Du dug up the soil, and the small black box appeared in her field of vision.

Seeing the familiar box, Miss Du was overjoyed, she didn't notice Aunt Du's venomous eyes behind her at all.

Miss Du carefully dug up the soil, and carefully carried out the box.

"Father's letters are all here, as well as the words we wrote when we were young..."

She had just stood up, and her legs were still a little numb. Before she finished speaking, Miss Du felt her body tilted. She turned her head in horror and fell into the lotus pond.

"You..." She only said one word before falling into the water.

The box was thrown out, and the letters left by his father flew all over the sky.

Behind the yellowed paper is Aunt Du's distorted face.

She was so vicious that she was about to leave, and she wanted to kill her.

Seeing Miss Du struggling in the water, Aunt Du was both excited and scared.

She gave a wink to the person on the other side of the lotus pond, and jumped into the lotus pond too.

In April, the lake water in the north is still bitingly cold.Aunt Du had already made all the preparations, as soon as she entered the water, someone would immediately go into the water to rescue her.

The maidservants have already prepared hot water, clean clothes, and a brazier in their courtyard.It's not the first time to fall into the water, and this time it's safe.

"Sister, eldest sister, I'm here to save you..." Seeing that Miss Du was no longer struggling, Aunt Du yelled loudly.

Aunt Du's voice was so loud that all the servants around the lotus pond heard it. Seeing this, those who knew how to swim jumped into the water to save people.

The fastest one was the person arranged by Aunt Du, a servant responsible for the security of the mansion, he only saved Aunt Du.

Aunt Du went ashore, and immediately a waiting maid brought a blanket to wrap her up.

After rescuing Aunt Du, the servant went back into the water and rescued Miss Du again.

Miss Du had just recovered from a serious illness, and she was already weak. In addition, she fell into the water before Aunt Du, and when she was rescued, she was ashen-faced and dying.

Cuiya rushed over, crying her heart broke.

Aunt Du finally went to take a bath in peace of mind, and she also cried so heartbrokenly that she was helped by the maids to leave the lotus pond, not knowing how true or how false.

Miss Du and Aunt Du fell into the water at the same time, which was a big deal, and Miss Xie, who was the most idle in the family, got the letter and rushed over.

Aunt Du has been sent back to her room to take a hot bath.

(End of this chapter)

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