Chapter 601
Miss Du was also sent back to the deserted courtyard, and Cui Ya was sobbing. Seeing Xie Qinyun, she grabbed her sleeve and refused to let go, kowtowed and begged again and again.

"Miss San, please help my young lady, my young lady has fallen into the water and is unconscious now."

It turned out that Miss Du's appearance just looked scary, as if she was dead, but she was still alive.

"Have you sent for the doctor?"

Cui Ya cried: "Aunt Du asked someone to invite her, but she was related to my young lady's falling into the water. She wished that my young lady died, and when her people invite a doctor, the young lady is... probably gone! "

Xie Qinyun frowned, and said: "It's that Hu Meizi again, who has grown bolder and dared to kill people directly in the mansion?"

"Miss San, the most important thing now is to save people, my lady is still in a coma." Cui Ya cried so much that she almost fainted.

"Yes, save people!" Xie Qinyun came back to her senses, and hurriedly ordered to the maid beside her: "Go to Jisheng Hall and invite Doctor Gu."

Immediately, he thought of something again, and said, "No, Dr. Gu is being banned from the Lin Mansion for the past few days, I'll go. You are all guarding here, and you can't let that bitch Aunt Du come in again. Be careful, everyone I'm smarter."

"Miss, don't worry, the servants are guarding this door, and a fly will not be let in until the miss returns."

These maids and women have been with Xie Qinyun since she was a child, and they will marry with her in the future, so they are different from other people in Xiefu, they are not afraid of Aunt Du.


Gu Youyou was feeding the mice when Lin Qianqing pulled them out.

The women guarding outside her courtyard wanted to stop her, but Lin Qianqing scolded her back immediately.

"If you don't want to die, just stop it. My cousin is here to save her life. If she dies after delaying the time, are you responsible?"

Only then did Gu Youyou realize that she was pulling her to save someone.

Lin Qianqing was always kind in the Lin residence, she had never spoken to the servants like this, the women were yelled at by her for a moment, and they were stunned and did not move.

Thus, Lin Qianqing took her out of the Lin residence in such a mighty way.

"Who are you saving, you didn't say clearly."

"Let's talk in the carriage." Lin Qianqing said.

In the car, Xie Qinyun was sitting. After she called Lin Qianqing, she got out of the car and waited.

"Hurry up, help!" she said anxiously.

Gu Youyou made a good guess, and after getting in the car, she asked, "To save Miss Du?"

"Yes, Doctor Gu is really clever."

Gu Youyou frowned, and said, "Take the medicine according to my prescription and you should be fine, so what's wrong with her?"

Xie Qinyun said: "It wasn't the illness last time, it was because she fell into the water."

"Falling into the water?" Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing looked at Xie Qinyun in surprise at the same time.

"Yeah, fell into the water! Sigh, I can't get rid of that bitch Aunt Du, it's probably her fault." Xie Qinyun was indignant and scolded Aunt Du bloody along the way.

"That bitch is so cruel that he can even kill his own sister. How can such a person stay with my second brother? Du Xintong even said that she would make up with my second brother, but she didn't let her go. Miss pushed into the lotus pond. Tell me, Miss Du, with her body, can she survive if she falls into the lotus pond?"

Gu Youyou was startled suddenly after hearing this, and asked anxiously, "Did you spit water?"

"Ah? What spit water?" Xie Qinyun didn't understand.

Gu Youyou changed the way of asking: "Is the person still alive?"

Xie Qinyun also became nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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