It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 612 Let the yamen come to investigate

Chapter 612 Let the yamen come to investigate

The Second Young Master Xie was stunned, unable to utter a single word.

When Mr. Xie heard these words, he seemed to be ten years older for a while.

The old man was left alone at the end of his life, but he lived like this in his home and was forced like this.

Having been annoyed by the three of them in the past few years, Mr. Xie devoted himself to court affairs, and basically never cared about family affairs, but he didn't think that the family was like this.

He looked at his second son, not only disappointed, but also heartbroken, heartbroken for the woman who was about to die on the bed.

"A Lin, Dad handed over this mansion to you two years ago. You said that you took care of it well, and there were fewer conflicts between wives and concubines. So there were so few? You forced your regular wife to be like this, and let a concubine Showing off your power, this is how well you take care of it? If it wasn't for what happened today, how long would I be kept in the dark?"

Second Young Master Xie sat on the chair slumped, he didn't even dare to look at anyone in the room, he could only look down at the cold floor tiles.

He detested her, and after he took over the power of the Jie family, the first thing he did was to force Du Xintong to move to the most remote deserted courtyard, and later he handed over all the power in the mansion to Aunt Du.

Du Xintong was someone he never wanted to see in his life, and when he heard that she lived in seclusion, he only thought that she had finally figured it out and stopped making trouble with them, that was enough, that was good.

So I don't know how she figured it out.

I don't even know that she lived such a life.

Facing his father's questioning, he couldn't say a single word of defense.

"A Lin, you are unkind and unrighteous yourself, and you also made your father unkind and unrighteous. Now, can't you even give her an explanation in front of her?"

Everyone looked at Master Xie in surprise, especially Aunt Du.

She didn't seem to understand what this explanation... what it was.

Seeing her in a daze, Xie Qinyun smiled at her coldly: "It means that if my father believed Cuiya's words, you abused the second sister-in-law behind her back. If she deliberately made it for others to see, then she wouldn't Should she be wearing patched clothes and dangling in front of people every day? What are you doing hiding in this courtyard all day? How can you achieve her goal if you hide all these things, right? "

That's right, don't you know such a simple truth?
"That's what's so scary about her..." Aunt Du was still defending in vain.

Xie Qinyun said lightly: "Anyway, she won't survive, and she won't be able to argue with you. Whatever you say is what you say." She looked at her second brother, and said, "But the second sister-in-law died strangely. Brother, do you have any objection to handing over this matter to the Yamen?"

The Second Young Master Xie was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Nonsense, let the yamen investigate the affairs of your own family, what's the proper way?"

Xie Qinyun laughed and said: "Is there still dignity in our mansion? My aunt abused the head of the house, and I am afraid that our house will be the only one in the capital. The troubles in your room have long been known to everyone in the capital, and we still want this What are you doing with your face? Haven’t some people lost their face a long time ago?”

Seeing that the brothers and sisters talked more and more, Mr. Xie couldn't sit still anymore.

"Okay, everyone knows what's going on. Xie Zhonglin, it's okay for you to make trouble before, but this time someone died, and I can no longer let you protect this woman."

"Father!" Second Young Master Xie hurriedly said, "If the yamen were to come in to investigate the case, wouldn't it be..."

"Shut up." Mr. Xie was so angry with him, "Didn't you force this? Why are you so cruel?"

(End of this chapter)

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