Chapter 613 Waking Up

On the other side, Gu Youyou had already finished the needle injection for Miss Du, and Lin Qianqing supported her. The two of them were speechless to this family.

Miss Du woke up slowly and coughed, waking up all the quarreling people in the room.

"Are you awake?" Aunt Du's face turned pale in an instant.

Isn't it impossible to speak?How did you wake up?
Master Xie stood up in shock, and hurriedly asked, "Doctor Gu, this is..."

Xie Qinyun hurriedly yelled, and snatched away the words: "Second sister-in-law, this is a flashback, Doctor Gu, you are really amazing."

Lin Qianqing chimed in: "My cousin woke up Miss Du to let her say a few words for herself. She doesn't have much time, so you should hurry up if you want to know something."

Whether it was true or not, everyone present was very excited.

The Second Young Master Xie wanted to step forward, but was squeezed away by Xie Qinyun and pushed to the back.

Mr. Xie burst into tears and said, "Xin Tong, what else do you want to say? Tell me, how did you fall into the water?"

Miss Du's mind was in a daze, seeing the people in this room, the memories before falling into the water soon returned to her mind.

She pointed to the person hiding at the back of the crowd and said, "Come here."

Hearing this, everyone can only ask Aunt Du to go forward.

Miss Du was sad and distressed, and asked her weakly: "Why did you do that? I'm going to leave and you still don't let me go? You want me to die!"

"Sister, what nonsense are you talking about?" Aunt Du denied it on the spot.

This is not the first time this has happened. She can turn right and wrong every time. Miss Du is no longer surprised. Where are your father's letters? After I fell into the water, did you retrieve them all?"

Everyone looked at them in surprise, and those who understood felt a little more sympathy for Miss Du.

That's why she was bullied like this, right?

What she thinks now is not Aunt Du wanting her life, nor how long she can live, but the letter left by Mrs. Du.

Aunt Du's face froze for a moment, and she said again: "Eldest sister fell into the water, we are only focused on saving you, where can we manage father's letters? I'm afraid most of them have been destroyed in the water."

"You...cough cough..." Ms. Du was so angry that she coughed and said angrily, "Go, pick it up. You can do anything to me, but it's something left by my father. As my daughter You can't do that to him."

Master Xie saw that Miss Du became excited, and hurriedly ordered: "Go, get back all of Master Du's letters, not one less."

The family died and parted, or they were discussing who was right and who was wrong. As outsiders, Lin Qianqing and Gu Youyou stood in the far corner of the room.

Lin Qianqing sighed in a low voice behind Gu Youyou: "When something goes wrong, one only knows how to shirk responsibility, while the other doesn't care about his own safety and hatred, but still misses his father's belongings. Cousin, what is the difference between these people? How big is it? But there are still people who can’t tell who is good and who is bad? What kind of character does what kind of thing, don’t you think?”

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "Big cousin, you don't understand this. Youdao means that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you think it's bad, it doesn't mean others think it's bad. Everyone knows it's Yumu, but that one Rare Yumu people take her as a real pearl? Don't they?"

"Yes, yes, my cousin's views have always been brilliant, but it's a pity that the real pearl was discarded by that ignorant fisherman, and it was dusted like this."

(End of this chapter)

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