Chapter 614 Death Wish
"Isn't it? It's such a mess, you go and tell Miss Xie to let this pearl go with peace of mind."

"Ah?" Lin Qianqing was confused.

A few of them said that Miss Du is dead, that's to scare people, but now that Miss Du is fine, how can I make people feel at ease?
"Just tell her like this." Gu Youyou said in a low voice.

Lin Qianqing seemed to understand, she bit the bullet and pulled Xie Qinyun aside, and said, "My cousin said that Miss Du can feel at ease."

Xie Qinyun raised her eyebrows, glanced at Gu Youyou who was standing far away, and nodded as if she understood again.

Lin Qianqing was even more confused, do you really understand?
Before she could say anything else, Xie Qinyun crawled over to Miss Du in a mournful manner, and cried, "Second sister-in-law, I know you're dying, so hurry up and say any last words you have, dad is here, It will definitely be for you."

Miss Du only knew that her body was suffering and her head seemed about to explode at any moment, but she didn't know that she would not survive.

She was a little confused, and instinctively looked at Cui Ya, whom she trusted the most.

Cui Ya made a confession with Gu Youyou and the others, and immediately climbed to Miss Du's bed and cried, "Miss, don't worry, you won't be alone when you go, Cui Ya will definitely hang a three-foot white silk on the beam , I will serve you even when I arrive at the underworld.”

It was only then that everyone remembered that Miss Du was about to die, and that she was still able to talk at the moment, which was a flashback.

Master Xie said: "This is the end of the matter, your enmity... well, let's not mention this for now, what unfulfilled wish do you still have?"

Seeing everyone like this, Miss Du froze on the spot.

She used to think about dying cleanly. Ever since she decided to leave Jiefu, she has been thinking about what to do after leaving, how to restore the embroidery of the Yu family, but she never thought that she would not be able to leave Jiefu alive. government, and I still have a chance to say my last words?

A line of clear tears flowed from the corner of Miss Du's eyes, and she quickly resigned herself to her fate.

Forget it, this life of what it should be.

She looked up at Second Young Master Xie, and Aunt Du who was timidly hiding behind him, and felt so stuffy in her heart that her heart seemed to be about to pop out.

It was these two people who had ruined her for the rest of her life.

Since she can't survive, she should never have anything to do with these two people.

She said: "Uncle Xie, to put it bluntly, marrying into your family is the most regrettable thing in my life, so I hope you can... let me be reconciled with the second young master right now. Buried in the Du family's cemetery, with my parents."

Mr. Xie was already in tears, and nodded his head heavily.

"I'm confused, okay, I promise you."

Dang even asked people to prepare pens and inks, and he wrote them quickly, and Li Shu was written by him in a short while, as long as they pressed their fingerprints and each held a copy, it was done.

Miss Du pressed the button without hesitation, but when he got to know the second young master, he was still unable to do so.

Aunt Du looked nervously at Second Young Master Xie, and at the He Li book nervously.

It was something she dreamed of.

The Second Young Master Xie looked at Miss Du and said, "There is no one in the Du family. If you enter the Du family grave, who will offer you incense? How about..."

Xie Qinyun immediately stood between the second young master Xie and Miss Du, and said, "Second brother, this is the dying wish of the second sister-in-law. You and your concubine have killed him, why don't you let him live in peace after death? Do you think that after a hundred years, the three of you will continue to fight?"

 Mr. Xie is a stubborn old man, and the second young master is about to understand, otherwise he will be hard to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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