Chapter 615 Give Me Back My Sachet

These words were extremely harsh, but the second young master Xie was rarely angry, but pressed his fingerprints helplessly.

When he handed the Heli Book to Miss Xie, his hands trembled a little, and he always felt that he would lose something important by handing it over.

Xie Qinyun couldn't see it, so she grabbed him and handed it to Miss Du.

Everyone talks about persuasion and not persuasion, but his sister Moyue is a fake?

Second Young Master Xie was stunned for a moment, then said to Miss Du in a low voice: "I didn't expect this to happen, and I didn't expect you to hate me so much."

But Miss Du said: "Didn't you always say that you don't want me to die? Now that your wish is about to come true, you should be happy."

Apart from holding this and leaving the book, she has no expectations of him.

But thinking about how he ended up like this in the end, he was not reconciled.Therefore, the resentment towards Second Young Master Xie also increased a bit.

"I...those are... angry words!" Second Young Master Xie was stunned, feeling that his explanation was weak.

"Second sister-in-law, no, I should call you Miss Du now, what do you want to tell me?" Xie Qinyun didn't look very sad, but actually asked Miss Du with a hint of teasing.

Miss Du looked at her maid, and said: "Xin Tong knows that Miss San is a good person, I only hope that Miss San can take care of my maid. She stays in Jiefu, and the only way to survive is by your side."

Cui Ya burst into tears immediately: "No, I want to go with Miss, even if I go to the underworld, I will follow Miss to serve Miss."

Xie Qinyun pulled Cuiya up, nodded and said: "Okay, I will let this girl live a good life."

After finishing speaking, Xie Qinyun shifted her eyes to the second young master Xie again, and said, "Second brother, at least you two are married, don't you plan to say something?"

Second Young Master Xie's brain has been in a state of shutdown, and he will start to run when someone kicks him.

Hearing Xie Qinyun's words, he shifted his gaze to Miss Du stupidly, and asked, "Do you have anything to tell me?"

Miss Du sighed, and after a moment of silence, she said: "I just hope that I can leave cleanly, and I will take away everything about me in the Xie family." She glanced at Aunt Du, and said : "I just want to say one last thing, I was pushed into the water by her, do you want to deal with her, I'm dead, I don't want to know, you can decide after I leave. But I don't want to keep any of my things with you around."

your things?

"What?" Second Young Master Xie looked at Miss Du in surprise.

The others were equally surprised, Second Young Master Xie disliked Miss Du so much, how could there be something from her on him?
"Don't say you don't have that tiger-shaped sachet." Miss Du said flatly.

If it wasn't for that year when she went to Xie Jie's house and saw him carrying the sachet she gave him when she was a child, how could she be so obsessed with marrying him, and how could she have such thoughts.

"Tiger-shaped sachet?" Second Young Master Xie subconsciously felt for the sachet on his body.

Seeing this, Aunt Du's face was pale, her mouth opened and closed, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

Xie Qinyun was shocked and said: "It's this sachet. Didn't the second brother keep it with me since he was a child? Isn't it very precious? It turned out to be Miss Du who embroidered it. It's just that when did Miss Du's embroidery skills be so poor?"

Miss Du said: "At that time, Xintong was a beginner, and she did not do well."

The Second Young Master Xie was so astonished that he suddenly turned his head to look at Aunt Du.

(End of this chapter)

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