It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 616 The origin of the tiger sachet

Chapter 616 The origin of the tiger sachet

In the distance, Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing, who were watching the play, couldn't help coming over. It seemed that the show was getting better and better.

"What's going on here?" Second Young Master Xie asked with a trembling voice.

Aunt Du shook her head and stepped back, tears slowly dripping from her eyes, "I... I was too young at that time, I... can't remember clearly."

At this moment, everything seems to be clear and clear, and it seems to be blurred at the same time.

Second Young Master Xie staggered so much that he almost fell to the ground.

The chubby little hand in his memory handed him a handkerchief to wipe his tears, but he discarded it without hesitation.

Later, he was given a little tiger made by himself to coax him. He held the little tiger and cried all night. The next day, he finally walked out of the room.

That year, six-year-old Du Xintong embroidered a pair of little tigers for herself as soon as she learned how to embroider.Later, in order to comfort the younger sister who lost her aunt, she gave her one of the little tigers that had just been embroidered, and the little girl stopped crying.

Later, the wife of the Xie family passed away, and the second young master, who was only one year older than them, was sad all day long without his mother to take care of him.Mrs. Du was kind, so she took him to Du's house to take care of him.

Like the younger sister who lost his aunt in the past, he locked himself in the room and wept sadly, so Du Xintong thought of taking another little tiger to comfort the second young master.

The second young master Xie ignored her at that time, didn't even look at her, just grabbed the little tiger, and cried on his lap again.

She was very disappointed, her tiger could coax her younger sister, but not her brother.

But when he came out of the house the next day, he became friends with his sister who was also holding the little tiger.

They talked about their mother and their little tiger together, but she could only watch secretly from behind. They both lost their mothers, so there would be a lot to talk about...

When her thoughts returned to reality, Miss Du had already thought about it.

Whether it's his mistake or misunderstanding, it doesn't matter that her life is coming to an end.

Niang said, we descendants of Man embroidery, the first thing we make after learning Man embroidery is a sachet, and then we will keep this sachet and bring it into our coffin after death.

This pair of sachets was the first thing she embroidered. I can't remember who embroidered the two little tigers first. Du Wanqing hated herself so much, she thought she had lost the little tiger that was given to her back then. Alright, so the only thing left is the one held by the Second Young Master Xie, and she has to bring it into the coffin.

"I embroidered a pair at the beginning. You all went to kiss your mother that year, so I took them out to make you happy. Now you don't need them anymore, can you return them to me?"

Miss Du's voice was soft and weak, like a feather brushing by, and if there was a feeling of nothing, it made people feel dull and uncomfortable.

What else can't be figured out? It turns out that there is such a misunderstanding between them.

The Second Young Master Xie tightly held the sachet in his hand, not daring to let go.

This is something he always wears by his side. It accompanied him through his most sad night, mother's first seven days.

He always thought it was from the woman he loved, but he never expected that it was from the woman he hated the most.

Xie Qinyun looked at the distraught second brother and sighed deeply.

She had guessed that there was some misunderstanding among the three of them, but so what?
The thing is true, but the harm they have done to Miss Du these years is also true, and how can he spoil that woman just for a sachet?
(End of this chapter)

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