Chapter 620 Jin Zijin is injured
"What's the matter? What happened?"

Jin Zijin smiled and said, "It's nothing serious, I got hurt a little."

"Injured?" To be honest, Gu Youyou didn't know what they were busy with all day long. He came late a few times, and only said that something was delayed.

Gu Youyou thought that climbing the wall was disgraceful, so naturally he had to pick a good time, so he didn't ask any more questions.

But now... "Why are you injured? Where are you injured? Haven't you been staying in the Sanqing Temple?"

While speaking, Gu Youyou took Jin Zijin's hand to check his internal injuries.

"Inside." Jin Zijin took her hand away and tore off the clothes on his chest.

A simple wound that has been rubbed with medicine is on his chest. She hasn't seen clearly whether the wound is deep or not, but she can see that the wound is very long and shocking.

Gu Youyou yelled, nervously pushed him back to the edge of the bed, and said, "How did you get hurt? It's so scary?"

Gu Youyou brought a candle and placed it beside the bed, only then could he see his wound clearly.

It was a wide-mouthed big knife cut, not a thin cut with a thin cut. Judging from the situation, it took about an hour, so he simply treated the wound and came here.

"I'll re-bandage you."

Gu Youyou quickly went to bring the dressing items and the medicine powder to speed up the healing of the wound.

Originally, she was happily waiting for him to come today, and told her about the great victory of Jiefu's party today, but he was injured instead.

Well, of course, I can't say that I was exaggerated by taking a common medicine to save Miss Du, and I can't admit that I was cheated.

It was selfish of her to set up this game, but it was also for Miss Du's sake.

Mr. Xie is so stubborn, if you don't do that, you really can't force him to nod.

Gu Youyou slowed down and cleaned the wound again for him, then applied medicine and bandaged it again.

She has always done things swiftly, but this time, she is rare and gentle.

After putting him back on his clothes, she began to interrogate him slowly.

"What happened? How did you get hurt?"

Jin Zijin said: "This time I was careless, and I will be more careful in the future."

"Later?" And later?
"A Jing and I were attacked, this is a common occurrence."

"Huh?" Why hasn't Gu Youyou heard of it before?
Jin Zijin laughed disapprovingly, and said: "It's normal to test each other in this way. In just a few years, the next national teacher will be elected, and the contest behind Tianzong and Xuanzong will become more and more serious." fierce."

"So you will be attacked often?" Gu Youyou's heart tightened, and her eyes kept staring at him.

"Yes, we will be attacked frequently." Jin Zijin said: "Don't take this matter too seriously, it's a very normal thing. Our life is difficult, and their life may not be easy."

How can you not take it seriously when you are often attacked?Gu Youyou rolled her eyes speechlessly, and could only curse helplessly as a pervert.

She took out a jade pendant from her body, handed it to Jin Zijin, and said, "I got it during the day, a promise from Mr. Xie. Is it unexpected?"

Jin Zijin took it over and looked at it, and said in a low voice: "It was unexpected, I wanted him to keep a personal relationship in his heart, but I didn't expect him to give you a token in a serious way."

Gu Youyou twitched the corners of her mouth, and said with a light smile: "Is that considered Mr. Xie?"

"Fixed?" Jin Zijin's brows tightened, and he put the jade pendant back into Gu Youyou's hand, and said, "That's right."

"I gave it to you, why did you give it to me again?" Gu Youyou couldn't fit the jade pendant.

"You should keep this jade pendant well, and you won't need it for the time being." Jin Zijin said.


(End of this chapter)

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