It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 621: Palace Rules for the Dead

Chapter 621: Palace Rules for the Dead
The Second Young Master Xie was quite trustworthy, and early in the morning of the second day, he personally brought Gu Youyou's consultation fees to Xiefu's party.

To see his ex-wife and concubine, he gave a basket of cash in total, which was 1000 taels.

Gu Youyou's big bills have always been silver bills, and it's the first time she's seen so much white cash. Reach out to carry it, it's quite heavy, and she really can't handle it with her thin arms and legs. .

It's a joke.

In fact, I don't blame Gu Youyou, the cash of 1000 taels of silver, according to the calculation at that time, would have weighed more than 60 catties, who would want to leave like an ordinary little girl?Not to mention Gu Youyou's small body.

Seeing this, Second Young Master Xie said, "Why don't I help Dr. Gu take it in?"

Gu Youyou smiled dryly, and hurriedly said: "No, I'll ask my maid to carry it."

She doesn't like the character of the Second Young Master Xie, and she will resolutely not deal with him in the future. This is how she intends to ask him to help him get it.

After taking the consultation fee he paid, it can be regarded as a settlement.

Afterwards, Gu Youyou was locked up again. If she didn't go to Jishengtang, people from other prefectures would always come to ask her to come over to see a doctor.Mrs. Lin felt bored after dealing with it for a few days, so she asked her to go out for two hours a day.

As a prerequisite, there must be two servants who know martial arts, and four women and two maidservants.

This is the request of my uncle Lin Xingyi.

She has no objection to bringing a few bodyguards who are physically strong and equipped with high martial arts skills, but what's the matter with the maidservant and a bunch of dim sum stoves and bedding on the carriage?

The hospital is only two streets away from home, so she was very speechless.

Lin Qianqing was envious.

"You are content, I still can't get out even if I want to go out."

Gu Youyou said: "If you let one go, you let go, and if you let the two go, why can't you get out?"

Xindao: Don't you know how to climb over the wall?

She sighed, and sat on the edge of the door and said: "The queen's birthday will be in a few days, my mother is going to take me to the palace, and she is personally supervising the work these few days, and she invites a nanny to teach me palace rules and etiquette in the palace. "

"Oh!" Gu Youyou thought that Mrs. Ru's coming to Beijing was probably for the queen's birthday.

"Then you learn slowly, and I will go first."

"Hey, wait a minute!" Lin Qianqing got up and pulled Gu Youyou down, sat on the edge of the door, and said, "Don't you go to the medical clinic in half an hour? Sit with me for a while."

Gu Youyou raised her eyebrows, looked out of the yard, and asked, "Then when did you start learning palace rules?"

"After half an hour, I'll start after you leave."

Gu Youyou wanted to laugh inexplicably, and said: "Looking at your weak look, if you want to learn the palace rules, it's like a farmer turning over two miles."

Lin Qianqing became interested when she heard it, and quickly asked, "Then cousin, have you ever seen how the rice we eat is grown?"

... Gu Youyou was stunned.

Did grandma grow vegetables or rice in her yard?
Most women like her will be locked up in a deep house for the rest of their lives.From birth, it is the courtyard of the mother's family, and after marriage, it is the courtyard of the husband's family. Until death, most people don't know how the crops they eat on weekdays come from. It is really sad to think about it.

Especially for the eldest cousin, her heart is as open as the sea, and she pretends to be the world of blue sea and blue sky, but because of her background, she has to be trapped in a corner for life.

The village women working in the fields envied their life like this, and they also envied the kind of life like a wild crane in the clouds, even if they had simple food every day.

Gu Youyou patted the back of her hand and said, "After the queen's birthday is over, I'll take you to the countryside."

Lin Qianqing's eyes widened suddenly, with a look of incredulity on her face: " it okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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