It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 624 The Empress Dowager Is Not the Emperor's Biological Mother

Chapter 624 The Empress Dowager Is Not the Emperor's Biological Mother

No matter how rebellious she is, she will not be able to rebel against this era.

The marriage of the children is the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. Only a very small number of people dare to resist, but none of them end well.In Lin Qianqing's capacity, she has the heart, but she doesn't have the guts.

So she can only accept her fate.

"By the way, do you know why my aunt suddenly said to take me?"

This is Gu Youyou's curious question.

It is a great honor for a woman in this era to show her face in the palace, but Mrs. Lin knows that Gu Youyou doesn't like it, and she is worried about this niece, fearing that an uneducated village girl will make her trouble and embarrass her, so she doesn't I will take her to show her face.

Lin Qianqing said: "Probably the empress wants to please the empress dowager." Because Gu Youyou's words just now reminded her of a dark future, she was still a little depressed.

Gu Youyou patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't think about it so much, there are still a few months, at least you are still free in the Lin Mansion."

Alas, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse that my grandmother used her to such a temper.

So far, it seems that there are more disasters.

No wonder the aunt who knows the survival strategy of the mansion is so worried about her.

"Well, let me water it for you." Lin Qianqing forced a smile.

Gu Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Then tell me, the queen wants to please the queen mother, why is your mother pulling me into the palace?"

"Because you are famous. Dr. Gu, who cured the typhoid epidemic in Lingnan, has come to Beijing to open a medical clinic. It is your rule not to come to see a doctor unless it is absolutely necessary. If you want to see a doctor, you have to make an appointment in advance, right? ?”

Gu Youyou smiled awkwardly.

"What about your rules, the empress dowager will be embarrassed. She can keep the rules, so she can't bear to ask you to come to the palace to see a doctor for her. No, the empress is considerate, so she wants to take this opportunity to let my mother Take you into the palace, and help the empress dowager to see the doctor."

Gu Youyou was shocked for a moment, "What's wrong with the empress dowager?"

Lin Qianqing said: "The Empress Dowager is in good health, but there are many problems with her legs. I heard that she has been unable to stand up in recent years, and the pain is severe when it rains. The imperial doctor can't help."

Gu Youyou nodded after hearing this, it should be a rheumatism problem.

Modern medicine can't cure the rheumatism, so naturally she can't cure it either.

However, it is possible to alleviate the condition.

"How could the queen mother have such a problem?" she murmured in a low voice.

That kind of pampered woman has a very small chance of suffering from this kind of problem.

"Cousin, you don't know something." Lin Qianqing sighed, and said, "The empress dowager in the harem is not the emperor's biological mother, but a maidservant next to the emperor's biological mother. Later, she was favored by the late emperor, so she was named a talented person. The emperor's biological mother After Empress Ning died of illness, the emperor has been raised by the current empress dowager, and because of this, the former emperor raised her rank, from talented person to auspicious concubine.

In those years, the emperor lost the protection of his biological mother, and lived with that concubine Xiang, and his life was very difficult.Concubine Xiang was even made things difficult by the former emperor's favorite concubines several times, and that leg was also crippled at that time. "

She lowered her voice and said, "I heard that she was punished to kneel all night in the cold weather, and she couldn't stand up the next day. Later, the emperor asked many famous doctors to treat her leg problems, but she couldn't be cured. She just sat down after walking for a while." Rest, and in the past two years, I can't stand up at all."

Gu Youyou said calmly: "In other words, the current queen mother protected the young emperor back then, so after the emperor ascended the throne, he appointed her as the queen mother."

(End of this chapter)

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