Chapter 625 Gossiping on the Road
"That's right, she has no children of her own, and she regards the emperor as a child, and she has suffered so much for the emperor, which is what she deserves."

That's true.

Gu Youyou nodded.

"Then what happens if uncle agrees to my going?"

Lin Qianqing smiled and said, "What does your uncle and my father mean, you follow to the palace to see the world, and let the ladies who will enter the palace tomorrow have a look, maybe they can find you a good marriage."

Gu Youyou was taken aback, so shocked that she almost shoveled the herbs she had planted to death, she thought: Lin Qianqing is wrong, others are fine, uncle knows about her and Jin Zijin's situation, how could she let her find a suitable marriage?

These people... like to say half and leave half, do half and leave half.

She guessed that she probably wanted her to enter the palace to have a look and understand the current situation.

Gu Youyou is a smart person, so she naturally knows that the subtle relationship between the women in the back house can best reflect the situation in the previous dynasty.

She understood what they meant.


Two days later, she entered the palace with her aunt. Gu Youyou and her cousin Lin Qianqing sat in a carriage, and her aunt sat in one by herself.Along the way, Lin Qianqing opened the curtain and pointed at the carriages on the same road.

"Look, it's the carriage of Mrs. Zhang's family. They don't have a daughter from the first wife. Last year she brought a concubine into the palace. The first time the concubine entered the palace, she was flustered and had frequent accidents. She was ashamed. I don't know if she will bring the concubine into the palace this year."

She saw another carriage opened a curtain, showing a frightened face, and shouted excitedly: "Ah, that's Mrs. Lu, after she scared the princess in the palace a few years ago, the queen mother ordered her Mrs. Lu is not allowed to enter the palace, but she doesn't want her to come this year.

This is a post made by the Empress herself, otherwise she would not dare to come.Hey, cousin, why do you think the queen made a post to invite Mrs. Lu? "

There are a lot of wives in the capital, Gu Youyou can't finish her own work, and there are many people with the same surname, how can I remember Madam Lu?

She closed an ancient medical manuscript in her hand, and asked casually, "Which Mrs. Lu?"

"That's the one, the most famous one in the capital. You saw her the day she sacrificed to the Dragon King and Dragon Mother. You also said that she has amazing bones and looks very talented."

"You talk about her!" Gu Youyou stood up.

The one who is more than half a head taller than ordinary men, at least 1.9 meters tall, has a male duck voice and a big skeleton. He was demoted twice as a concubine by her husband.

Gu Youyou squeezed her head to the edge of the window, and after only one glance, Madam Lu lowered the curtain.

With her appearance, it is really possible to scare children.

As for why the queen invited Mrs. Lu... Gu Youyou lowered her head and pondered for a while, then thought to herself: Do you still need to guess?If someone like Mrs. Lu didn't have huge interests, no wife would want to deal with her, right?

Ugly and vulgar.

The empress invited her, but she had her eyes on General Lu and Mr. Lu.

But for Lin Qianqing, the same cannot be said.

Gu Youyou smiled, and said: "At least she is Mrs. Lu, and all the wives who are younger than General Lu have invited her. It's not good if you don't invite her. Maybe the empress wants to be a magnanimous empress."

Lin Qianqing smiled and said, "The Empress is indeed a empress who understands righteousness, and she is also very good to us juniors. It's just that the rules in the palace are really complicated, so I never want to go."

The queen is my aunt's cousin, the eldest daughter of the prince's house, Lin Qianqing should call her aunt?

 When the excitement broke out, I wrote a few more chapters, and I will add more chapters tomorrow, with six chapters in the morning

(End of this chapter)

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