Chapter 626 Contest on the Road

As far as Gu Youyou knew, there was a rule for people in ancient times to marry, and people with the same surname were not married.But this rule has some differences in different eras. In some periods, royal nobles were allowed to marry with the same surname, so the current emperor and queen have the same surname.

It is said that it took a lot of effort for the emperor to climb from the position of prince to the dragon chair.There is a characteristic of Zhuzhao Country. There are many Jin surnames in the north. Many years ago, they were a big family.It's just that it has changed over the years, and it's hard to tell who is in the same group.

And the power of the Duke of that country is another branch of the Jin surname apart from the royal family. The relationship is intricate and should not be underestimated. If the emperor wants to ascend to the throne smoothly, he naturally does not care about the same surname and does not marry, so he married her. Queen.

The carriage drove all the way to the imperial city before stopping. The royal family had a separate place to park the carriage for the wives and ladies of each family. After getting off the carriage, the maids and grooms brought along were not allowed to enter the palace and had to wait beside the carriage.

The wives and ladies must walk into the palace.

For a while, the Yingying Yanyan walked away, which was very spectacular.

Gu Youyou sighed, being able to walk so neatly also reflects the importance that ancient people attached to time.

If they hadn't made an appointment at the same time, they would have walked in disorder.

The wives and ladies began to greet each other, Lin Qianqing and Gu Youyou followed behind Madam Lin, and were introduced to the wives and ladies of each family by her.

"Hey, this is your eldest lady. It's been a long time since I saw her. She looks more and more beautiful. The empress must like it when she sees it."

"Ms. Zhang, Ms. Zhang is not bad either. I heard that Ms. Zhang is one of the most talented girls in the capital. The empress likes talented women. I think your girls also like the empress. "

Mrs. Zhang was happy, but she said sadly: "My girl is quite talented, but my family can't compare to Mrs. Lin... the sisterhood that you and the empress grew up with, alas!"

When Mrs. Lin heard this, her face immediately darkened.

Mrs. Zhang ran quickly when she saw this, and immediately took her daughter to say hello to Mrs. Li who was passing by.

Mrs. Lin gritted her teeth angrily, and snorted coldly: "Ms. Zhang has always been good at dancing fans with long sleeves, Qianqing, you have to pay attention, that Miss Zhang was taught by Mrs. Zhang herself, and she is just like her. In the future, you If they all enter the First Prince's mansion, she is the most important thing to guard against."

Lin Qianqing said yes with a gloomy complexion.

It is not good to talk about these things in front of her daughter and niece on the road, Mrs. Lin paused, and then said: "Let's go, first go to see the empress."

Gu Youyou followed Mrs. Lin and wrote down this matter.

It seems that Miss Zhang and her cousin Lin Qianqing are going to enter the eldest prince's mansion.

The cousin, Lin Qianqing, is related to the empress and eldest prince, so if they were to compete for the position of wife, she would have a higher chance of winning.

"Doctor Gu, Qianqing..."

Not long after, I heard someone calling them from behind.

When she stopped and turned her head, she saw Xie Qinyun, who was alone, chasing after her with her skirt in her hands.

After running for a few steps and realizing something was wrong, she hastily put down her skirt and walked in small steps.

Mrs. Lin in front also stopped and looked at Miss Xie.

She has no mother, her eldest sister-in-law has passed away, and her second sister-in-law has divorced, so she has no elders to take care of her, only herself.

Mrs. Lin felt pity, and said, "Miss Xie, just follow me, poor child."

Xie Qinyun obediently replied yes.

(End of this chapter)

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