It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 632 Miss Du's Practice

Chapter 632 Miss Du's Practice

Xie Qinyun sighed and drank a lot of wine, a little drunk, and said: "Now it seems that the second sister-in-law... oh no, Miss Du is doing well. After she left our house, she took her maid to Jinxiu City. Du Although Jia and Yu's family is in ruins, the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, after all, it has left her with a lot of family property, enough for her to squander her whole life. If she can really run the embroidery village, she will be rich and honored all her life."

As if thinking of something, she suddenly laughed.

Then watching this banquet... it seemed that it was not suitable for laughing, so he hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands, and lowered his voice: "Miss Du is a ruthless person, and when she left, she took all the things in the Du family." Take it away, just... as long as the things in Aunt Du's house are brought by the Du family, they will also be taken away.

How many things in the Du family have been occupied by Aunt Du all these years. She moved out and emptied Aunt Du's house. Do you think it's funny? "

funny?They just feel happy.

Lin Qianqing clapped her hands and said, "It's a pleasure, but your second brother dared not stop her? Just let her bully Aunt Du like this?"

"How dare he, my father is watching. And he is right. Miss Du is the daughter of a concubine. After her parents have gone, everything in the house belongs to her. Aunt Du is a concubine. If she wants a dowry, then Miss Du has to nod. But with their relationship, why should Miss Du give her a dowry?"

"That's true." Lin Qianqing said.

Listening to gossip and drinking a little wine, an hour has passed.

The queen is rich and good at business, she speaks beautiful words, and she does a good job in business. In a banquet, she told all the famous ladies and ladies that she was very happy. This banquet is almost coming to an end.

She wiped her mouth and turned her gaze to Gu Youyou and the others.

He said: "Mrs. Lin, is that Mrs. Lin's niece, Miss Gu who once cured the disease in Lingnan and was awarded a plaque by the emperor?"

Mrs. Lin nodded slightly, and replied, "Exactly!"

After hearing this, the empress smiled warmly, and waved to Gu Youyou: "Come, show me."

Gu Youyou hurriedly got up, moved to the queen in lotus steps, and kowtowed in a respectful manner.

The queen laughed very satisfied, told her to stand up, and said to Mrs. Lin: "When I was young, I thought you were knowledgeable and smart, and you could do everything better than other younger sisters. Seeing that Miss Gu is so polite, you will know You are also very attentive in teaching the juniors."

Mrs. Lin was praised, and thank you again.

"The queen empress is absurd, it is Youyou who is smart and studious, just like her uncle!"

"Oh, Master Lin's intelligence is obvious to all. It's a blessing that a niece is like my uncle."

There are some ladies in the palace who have come to Gu Youyou for treatment. Gu Youyou's feeling of spring breeze seeing a doctor is still fresh in my memory, and the voices of praise for her filled the room.

This is the benefit of being a doctor, especially a doctor with good medical skills and good ethics. No kindness is greater than the kindness of saving lives.

It seems that this trip has not suffered a loss, but has also gained benefits. She understands what they mean better.

"Miss Gu, I heard that there is a rule in your clinic that you don't see a doctor unless it is absolutely necessary?"

Gu Youyou knew that she was coming, and maintained a humble posture, and replied softly: "Go back to the empress, there is indeed such a rule in the medical center of the women."

(End of this chapter)

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