It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 633 Seeing the Queen Mother

Chapter 633 Seeing the Queen Mother

Later, the wives who were worried about her frowned, thinking that it was inappropriate for her to say this in front of the queen. The rules in your clinic, these wives obeyed, that is to respect you, Dr. Gu, for Mrs. Lin, for you The face of the son of the world.

Does the Empress need to give those two face?

They were really afraid that the empress would be displeased, so they punished Gu Youyou for his disrespect.

Especially Mrs. Lin, the handkerchief in her hand would be squeezed out of water.

Didn't this child agree at home?He also promised well, so what is this?
One by one looked at the empress nervously, but found that she was not angry, but had a faint smile on her face, and then slowly relaxed.

The queen said: "Speaking of which, since your medical center has rules first, we should follow the rules and not embarrass you. It's just that the queen mother is inconvenient in her legs and feet, and she is afraid of the influence of the general public if she is moved to your Jisheng hall." Common people, this Palace invites you to have a consultation today, and go to Renshou Palace to see the Empress Dowager and her old lady's leg problems, what do you think?"

Gu Youyou smiled slightly and said, "This is a special situation for the Empress Dowager, and the girl should do her best. I just need to prepare some things, and I hope the Empress Dowager will allow the girl to go to the Imperial Hospital."

This is more or less, everyone rest assured.

The queen smiled and said: "Okay, so... come here, take Dr. Gu to the Imperial Hospital."

Gu Youyou followed the maid and left, the queen said a few more words, then got up, and said: "Miss Gu treats the queen mother, so I have to go and see, ladies and gentlemen eat and drink here, don't be cautious gone."

Everyone got up and said goodbye to the queen.


Gu Youyou didn't really want to go to the Tai Hospital, but to take her tools in the carriage, and then go to the Tai Hospital to get some medicinal materials.

The reason why I said to go to the Empress Dowager Hospital is to show that everyone is not so deliberate. You must know that she should not have known that she would see a doctor for the Empress Dowager before she came.

The queen's maids were also very sensible, so they led Gu Youyou to the carriage at the palace gate to get things first.

When Gu Youyou followed the maid to Renshou Palace, the queen was already waiting there, talking with a luxuriously dressed old lady.

This is the Queen Mother.

When Gu Youyou saw the ceremony, the queen quickly asked her to stand up, and said with a smile to the queen mother: "This little girl is the miraculous doctor bestowed by the emperor. Queen mother, do you think she is very young?"

The queen mother probably suffered a lot when she was young, and she didn't take good care of herself like ordinary ladies. At the age of more than 60, she looked like an eighty-year-old woman.

The white girl with full hair has a very kind and kind face.

She looked at the generous girl and said, "Yes, you are indeed young. It is really not easy to have amazing medical skills at this age. Everyone in the Lin family is extraordinary, haha, I heard that your cousin's daughter is also He is a wonderful person, he can recite at the age of three, he can write at the age of five, and he can draw good paintings at the age of eight, and he presented it at your grandmother's birthday party, and won her a lot of compliments?"

The empress smiled from ear to ear, and said with a modest smile: "My empress, Miao Zan, that girl was well-behaved when she was young, but now I heard from my cousin that she has a very lively temper, which often makes her angry."

Gu Youyou didn't want to, the seemingly unreliable cousin still had such talent?It really made her curious.

The Empress Dowager nodded and said: "Fourteen or fifteen years old is a lively time, when my young lady... Empress Dowager Xiaoci was also very lively when she was young..."

(End of this chapter)

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