Chapter 634
Thinking of her former master, the Queen Mother couldn't help feeling sad again.

Back then, she was just a servant who served the young lady. When the young lady entered the palace, she also entered the palace. She never expected that things in the world would be so unpredictable. The young lady left early. She protected the master's son when he grew up, and even became the empress dowager. .

It is precisely because of her loyalty that she has gained a lifetime of glory.

The queen hurriedly said: "Mother, please keep your body, don't think about those heart-wrenching things, the emperor knows that he should feel distressed."

The queen mother said: "The emperor has always been filial, but it is a pity that the filial empress dowager cannot enjoy this blessing. Forget it, let's not talk about it, Doctor Gu, come and treat Ai's family."

Gu Youyou said yes, and then went to the queen mother's soft couch to look at her legs.

Asking someone to take out the queen mother's legs, Gu Youyou couldn't help frowning.

Her legs are very old rheumatic legs, which have been deformed.

As she had expected before, it was impossible to cure her, and she could only try to relieve her pain as much as possible.

The old mother on the side said to Gu Youyou: "The empress dowager's leg has been there for many years. When she was young, she couldn't stand for a long time. It hurts when it is windy and rainy. The more it gets worse, the doctors all see it. It's useless, and I can't stand up in the past two years. Doctor Gu, do you think the Queen Mother's leg can be cured?"

Everyone looked at Gu Youyou nervously.

Gu Youyou pinched the deformed leg bone, and told them honestly: "The bones are already deformed. This disease has been too long, and it can't be cured as before. But I can try to cure it and see if I can stand up again."

They thought that the queen mother would never stand up again in this life, but they were all overjoyed to hear Gu Youyou said that there might be a chance.

The queen hurriedly said: "If it can be cured, it will be a great achievement, Yoyo, please show the queen mother quickly."

In order to win over the relationship, the Queen has become intimate with Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou nodded, and asked the maid to prepare things. First, she massaged carefully, and then used acupuncture to remove moisture, activate blood and stimulate the nerves.

After working for an hour or two, I prescribed a prescription for pain relief.

"These medicines are for internal use, and the Tai Hospital should have them. There are also external medicines, which may not be available in the Tai Hospital. I also trouble this sister to go out of the palace to get them at Jishengtang. There is also this medicine, which needs to be taken at Jishengtang, right? It hurts. Eat when it hurts, don’t eat it when it doesn’t hurt.”

The maid made a note of it, and withdrew with the prescription.

Seeing that Gu Youyou was busy, the queen asked, "Is this possible?"

Gu Youyou saluted, and replied: "That's not enough. Acupuncture needs to last for a month. Massage needs to be done every day. I also ask the empress to arrange for a female doctor who knows some medical skills to teach the girl this massage. She, let the empress dowager rest for a while, and I have to come for another piercing in half an hour."

"Then this acupuncture..."

"Acupuncturists do it in person. After one month, the empress dowager should be able to stand up."

Seeing that the Empress Dowager's leg was healed, the Renshou Palace was full of joy.

The queen mother was also very happy and praised the queen again, saying that she was still filial.

"It's rare that the queen has been thinking about Aijia's legs, so she found Dr. Gu. How did Dr. Gu learn this skill at such a young age?"

Gu Youyou said: "Minnv suffered from a serious illness when she was young, and she has been taken care of by Dr. Zhou Zhou for many years. Later, she formed a relationship with him as a teacher and apprentice. The master is an unborn master, and the minnv also received his help. Mantle."

(End of this chapter)

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