It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 635 Strange Eunuch Running Out?

Chapter 635 Strange Eunuch Running Out?
Does the queen mother care about who she learned the skills of this life from, she only thinks that Gu Youyou is smart and eager to learn, so she has such achievements.

"Then how old is Dr. Gu this year? Is he a family?"

No matter how old or young this woman is, she always gossips when she's happy, and likes to inquire about these things when she's gossiping.

Gu Youyou said helplessly: "The folk girl is twenty-one this year, and she hasn't betrothed to anyone yet."

Forget it, after three winters, I have been here for three years, so I am 21 years old.

Here, 21-year-old single women are probably rare, and they must be gossiped.

Sure enough, when her age was revealed, everyone in the room was stunned.

The queen mother was surprised and said: "Doctor Gu is 21, why hasn't he agreed with others?" After speaking, she looked at the queen again and said, "Your cousin doesn't know how to give Zhang Luo Zhang Luo?"

The queen was very embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "Yes, I should talk about her. There is no daughter who is twenty-one and has not yet left the cabinet. On the condition of Youyou, I am not afraid of marrying late."

However, Gu Youyou saluted and said, "Thank you, Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, for your concern, but there is a reason why women don't marry."

"There is a reason for this?" The queen mother looked at her strangely.

Gu Youyou said: "I am dissatisfied with the Empress Dowager Empress, the girl is actually sick and has not been cured yet. I don't know when the illness will occur and she will die. It is really not suitable for marriage."

The queen suddenly realized, and said: "By the way, queen mother, I have heard my cousin mention that the only sister in Lin Xingyi's hometown has a daughter, but she has been sick since she was a child. This is Dr. Gu."

The old queen suddenly felt distressed when she saw Gu Youyou, and sighed: "You are so young, why did you get sick? You are a doctor yourself, so you can't cure it?"

Gu Youyou said: "Minnv and Master have studied this disease for many years, and they have some clues recently, but they are not sure that it can be cured."

Everyone sighed for a while, and the queen said: "That's really... not suitable for marriage. Youyou's medical skills are probably forced out because of her own illness. You should focus more on your own body. Living is more important than anything else. , whether you want to marry or not, let’s talk about it later.”

"En!" The Queen Mother felt reasonable and nodded slightly.

Seeing that there was still half an hour left, and Gu Youyou looked a little tired again, she told the maid beside her: "Take Doctor Gu to have a cup of tea and rest for a while, it will take half an hour."

Gu Youyou thanked her, and followed the maid to the side hall next to her.

The palace maid served her tea and some delicately made desserts, and said, "Doctor Gu, take it easy!"

"Thank you, sister."

The palace maid responded and stepped back.

Gu Youyou ate snacks and drank tea, looking at the yard outside the window.

The shrubs in the yard are lush and well-arranged by the gardener.

Not long after, she saw a eunuch approaching this way a little... stealthily, and entered the side hall where she was resting in a short while.

Gu Youyou hurriedly swallowed half of the pastry in her mouth and stood up.

Just as she was about to salute, the eunuch hurriedly signaled her to avoid it, saying: "Miss Gu, the miscellaneous family only came to remind Miss Gu. Do what you can!"

The eunuch just finished this sentence and left again.

Gu Youyou was stunned for a while, then stood in front of the window and saw that the eunuch disappeared without a trace, she came to her in a daze.

Where did the eunuch come from here, why did he remind himself?

Doing what I can, it should be about her treating the empress dowager's leg disease.

(End of this chapter)

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