Chapter 636 Uncle's Women
Gu Youyou entered the palace for the first time, and seemed to have no acquaintances, who would ask an eunuch to remind him?
Queen?Obviously impossible, if the queen wanted to remind herself, she would have said it long before she entered the Renshou Palace, why bother to find a eunuch after half of the cure.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Gu Youyou also left the thoughtless eunuch behind, and entered the Queen Mother's bedroom again.

This acupuncture is much faster than before, but it can be done in just one cup of tea.

It was getting late, and there would be a curfew in the palace any later, and the queen didn't keep her, she just asked someone to send her out of the palace as soon as possible.


Entering this palace today was quite smooth, and before leaving, I was rewarded by the queen.

Gu Youyou knew it was because she was the cousin of the Lin family. According to the Queen's way of thinking, the Lin family was her natal family's in-laws, so Gu Youyou was hers.

Where does her person have a face in the queen mother, it is she who has a face, so naturally it wants to give Gu Youyou some benefits.

Touching a string of extra rich pearl necklaces around her neck, Gu Youyou really couldn't figure out where the beauty was.

When she left the palace, she quickly took it down and put it in a brocade box.

She didn't want to go home wearing such a tacky thing.

Mrs. Lin went back to the mansion early, and when she saw Gu Youyou came back, she hurriedly asked her: "Today you went to the Empress Dowager's bedroom to treat the Empress Dowager's leg disease, how do you look?"

Gu Youyou replied: "Auntie, the queen mother has a long-standing problem for many years. Her legs have changed shape and cannot be cured, but I can relieve the pain of her leg pain, and maybe let her stand and walk a few steps. It will probably recover to two It looks like years ago."

Two years ago, the queen mother could still walk a few steps, this is what Mrs. Lin knew.

But she was still a little disappointed to hear that it could not be completely cured.

"It's good if you can stand up, but it's even better if you can recover."

She is not good at medicine, nor does she understand, Gu Youyou didn't argue with her, she just said: "The Empress rewarded me with a string of pearls."

After that, she took out the pearl and showed it to Mrs. Lin.

Mrs. Lin opened the brocade box, she nodded slightly with surprise on her face, and said, "This string of pearls is full of pearls, the empress thinks highly of you, don't let her down. "

Gu Youyou bent her knees slightly, and said, "Yes, aunt."

When she came back, she didn't see Lin Qianqing.Lin Qianqing always liked to hang around her, but she was a little surprised that she didn't see her, and asked, "Auntie, where's the eldest cousin?"

Mrs. Lin showed joy, and said: "The empress left the big girl to talk with her in the palace, and I'm afraid she won't come back for a few days."

If my aunt is so happy, the eldest cousin must be very sad.

Poor big cousin.


Gradually, the north will also enter summer.

Gu Youyou asked someone to prepare a large bathtub for her, and she had to take a bath to relieve her fatigue.

Yue Rujing said that someone brought Abao here, and she was already on the way, and she estimated that she should arrive in a few days.

Gu Youyou wanted to keep it in her yard, but she was afraid that it would be too big and frighten the female family members of the Lin family.

Speaking of the female family members of the Lin family, I have to say that my aunt has a good trick, forcing my uncle to prefer to sleep in the study instead of going to the backyard.

The Lin Mansion is also a big mansion in the capital, but my aunt drove all of my uncle's concubines, except the one who gave birth to the second young lady, into a big yard to raise them, and they were not allowed to come out without her permission.There is a room for each person, and there is a servant girl next to each person. They eat in a large dining room, and sit in the yard eating melon seeds and chatting when they have nothing to do. It is no different from captivity.

(End of this chapter)

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