It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 637 Jin Ziyuan Visits Late at Night

Chapter 637 Jin Ziyuan Visits Late at Night

It is said that the group of women is almost ready to see through, if uncle goes to that yard one day, the women in the yard before stepping into the gate will explode, one by one, as if they are going to tear him apart.

It was so scary, no wonder my uncle didn't dare to go, even the concubine who was the most favored in the legend, he also asked a servant to come out to serve her.

After soaking for a while, the bath water was a bit cold, Gu Youyou shouted to the outside: "Xiang Toon, heat up the water."

There was no response from outside, nor was there any sound.

Gu Youyou felt a little strange, so she let her ears listen carefully.

Just now I heard Xiang Toon talking with a few maids outside, but now there is no sound.

Gu Youyou frowned, and called out loudly again.


Still no movement.

Did it go outside the yard?
No, she knows that she is taking a bath, if she will be called, she will keep guarding outside.

As a last resort, she had to get up first by herself.

The water is already a little cold, and I'm afraid it will freeze if I soak it any longer.

As soon as she got out of the water, she felt a figure rushing in, and she was so scared that she subconsciously shrank back into the barrel again.

Gu Youyou poked her head out and looked at the person standing beside the barrel.

She was dressed in black, against which her porcelain-white skin glowed slightly.

Who is this person if not Jin Ziyuan?

Gu Youyou was shocked, lowered her voice and said angrily: "Why are you still in the capital? There are notices everywhere in the city to arrest you, you don't want to live, please don't get me involved!"

Jin Ziyuan stared at Gu Youyou for a long while, his face flushed a little, and he turned his eyes away when he heard her anger.

"What do those wine bags and rice bags care about them? They don't care if I want to stay or not."

Gu Youyou was choked speechless by him.

Yes, you look down on other people's wine bags and rice bags, but please don't come to me.And here is not only the power of the emperor, but also Taoism?I really don't know how to live or die.

"This is the Lin family. If someone sees you appearing in the Lin family, I will have a mouth all over my body, and neither can my uncle. What you did was a major rebellion. You want to kill me?"

"You know?" Jin Ziyuan raised his eyebrows.

Gu Youyou snorted and said, "Although the emperor's decree has covered up the mess in your family, you also know that paper can't cover fire. If I want to inquire, I will naturally be able to find out."

Gu Youyou looked him up and down, his clean appearance didn't seem like he was running for his life and living in nowhere, so he asked curiously: "Where have you been hiding these days?"

"Me?" Jin Ziyuan paused for a moment, looked at Gu Youyou, glanced at Gu Youyou, then moved his eyes away, blushing from his face to his ears, and said in a low voice: "I have my own place to hide, I came here for business, you it convenient now?"

Gu Youyou was very speechless, do you think my current appearance is convenient?

"Why don't you go out and wait? Or what's your business?"

"Well, no need, let me tell you something directly." He looked a little nervous and embarrassed, "I just want to tell you that I have to leave the capital in a few days, and That medicine is very good, give me some more."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Well, as long as he is willing to leave the capital, let him be sent away with those medicines.

"Outside room, in the third drawer. Where is it all, take it away together, I will do it again."

"Oh, good!" Jin Ziyuan replied softly, and quickly flashed to the outer bedroom.

Gu Youyou heard the sound of turning over the drawer, and after a while, saw him come in again.

(End of this chapter)

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