Chapter 638 The Lin Family Is Here

Jin Ziyuan stood at the door and said in a low voice, "I'm leaving, you should be careful."

Gu Youyou thought in her heart: I'm safer if you leave.

"Let's go, and you should be careful. I would rather be caught by the emperor than by the national teacher. If you fall into his hands again, you will probably be stupid again."

Jin Ziyuan's face suddenly darkened when he remembered the years when he became a fool.

As soon as he made a farewell gesture, Jin Ziyuan and Gu Youyou lowered their faces at the same time.

Oops, Jin Ziyuan has been lingering for too long, and Jin Zijin is here.

Gu Youyou hid in the bucket, unable to go up and down.If the two of them start fighting, she won't even be able to come out to persuade the fight, which is going to be troublesome.

With a sullen face, Jin Ziyuan stretched out his hand and held a dagger in his hand.

He made another backhand block, and Gu Youyou heard a piercing sound of weapons colliding.

Jin Zijin really came, and he fired his weapon without saying a word.

Jin Ziyuan withdrew from the door, but Gu Youyou couldn't see, only heard the sound of weapons colliding from the bedroom outside, she felt that something serious was about to happen.

Gu Youyou's heart sank for a while, just like tonight, if the two of them were discovered together by the servants in the mansion, she would really have a mouth full of mouths and couldn't tell.

Regardless of other things, she hurriedly got out of the bucket, regardless of whether the water on her body was dry, she immediately took the clothes and put it on her body.

Something big is about to happen!
She was only half dressed, but she saw a cold light coming, and something hit her on the back.She slipped and fell into the bucket again, and the water splashed everywhere.

Gu Youyou choked on a big mouthful of water, she emerged from the water, and saw that the battle between Jin Zijin and Jin Ziyuan had already gone from her bedroom to the bathroom.

She quickly hid herself in the water, wiped off the water on her face, and looked at the two of them.

Gu Youyou was angry, and said: "Hey, can you two change places if you want to fight? Can you consider my feelings?"

The two looked at Gu Youyou at the same time, and then stopped.

Holding a bright red dagger in his hand, Jin Zijin said in a deep voice, "What are you doing here?"

In fact, Jin Ziyuan didn't lose to him, holding the short sword and asked coldly: "What are you doing here again?"

At this time, footsteps sounded outside the door, and all three of them heard it.

Gu Youyou felt bad, and said to the two people who were cross-eyed: "Don't talk about it, someone is coming, you both go, go!"

The two continued to stare at each other, and after a while, they left reluctantly.

Gu Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, a moment later a maid rushed in.

"Miss Biao, what happened?"

Gu Youyou let out a long breath while lying in the water, and said, "Help me up first."

With the help of the maidservant, she dressed and sat in her room when she saw her uncle.

"Yuyou, what's going on?"

Gu Youyou followed his gaze to look over, but saw the toon lying crookedly in the corner.

"What's wrong with the toon?" Gu Youyou was shocked.

The maid replied: "Sister Xiangchun fainted here for some reason."

Oh, dizzy.

That fellow Jin Ziyuan must have done it.

Gu Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Lin Xingyi: "Uncle, Youyou is fine, it's just that...she looked at other people!"

Lin Xingyi understood, waved his hands and said, "You all step back."

Everyone stepped back and carried out the fainted Xiang Toon.

Lin Xingyi stared at Gu Youyou, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me now, I hope you don't hide it from me."

Gu Youyou was actually not sure what happened between Lin Xingyi and Jin Zijin, or... how much Jin Zijin told him.

She lowered her head, pondered for a moment, and said, "Yuyou is taking a bath in the bathroom. I don't know what's going on. How about... Uncle go and ask Zijin, he was here just now."

(End of this chapter)

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