Chapter 641

Early the next morning, Gu Youyou woke up.

I have to go to the palace today, maybe I have to go to the palace this month.

Before going out, Gu Youyou went to say hello to her aunt, and only with her permission, the mansion would send her a car to take her into the palace.

With such a big Lin Fu, she has to give her support for everything, and she doesn't find it annoying, on the contrary, she enjoys it.It's really hard to understand what's going on in these women's minds.

Gu Youyou got into the Lin's carriage and entered the palace. The maid beside the queen had been waiting in front of the palace gate. Seeing Gu Youyou came, she quickly took the medicine box she was carrying, and led her all the way to the Queen Mother's Renshou Palace. .

She came early, and happened to meet the concubines in the palace who were paying their respects to the Queen Mother. Seeing this situation, Gu Youyou was a little overwhelmed.

"Sister, should I avoid it?"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are doing homework, and her doctor came at a really bad time.

The palace maid said: "No need, the empress dowager has ordered you to go in and meet her directly if you come."

Looking at the large group of Yingying and Yanyan, Gu Youyou almost bit the bullet and went in.

Everyone looked at her like a rare animal, which was what Gu Youyou expected.

"This is Doctor Gu. I heard that you can cure the empress dowager's leg disease?"

Gu Youyou didn't know this woman, but only knew that she was the empress in the palace. After seeing the ceremony, she answered seriously: "The girl will do her best."

The woman was not very happy, and snorted: "You doctor girl, why are you talking like this? What do you mean by doing your best? Since the queen mother's leg was treated by you, it must be cured. If it cannot be cured, it will be a death penalty."

Gu Youyou was stunned for a moment, then raised her head to meet the woman's gaze.

The ancient imperial society just had no human rights, and I have never been reprimanded or threatened like this in two lifetimes.Although she was suppressing her own nature, she was somewhat unable to suppress it.

And let's treat her as a skilled and bold person, or as a fearless person who doesn't know.

It's a death sentence, can't you justify yourself and the doctor?

Gu Youyou looked at the woman, and said calmly: "This lady, the cure is no better than others, and before the result comes out, no one can guarantee whether the disease will be cured or not.

Although the empress does not know medical skills, she must also understand the principle that medicine is three-point poison.It is risky to take medicine and acupuncture for serious and minor illnesses. Since the women are willing to take it, they will naturally do their best, but to what extent they can be cured, I have already reported to the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother yesterday, and the women dare not Guarantee, I can only say my best.

If the empress said this, since it is cured, it must be cured, otherwise it will be a death penalty. I think that no doctor in the world is willing to cure this disease.That's right, otherwise the imperial doctors said that it couldn't be cured?So, often whether the disease can be cured or not depends not on the doctor, but on the person..."

Gu Youyou said such words in this hall without fear, which shocked all the girls sitting here.

Probably they had never seen such a coquettish folk girl, and they were speechless for a while.

Then Xu Guiren's face was extremely ugly, just waiting for the queen to teach Gu Youyou a lesson.

Unexpectedly, the Empress Dowager just gently broke the embarrassment, introduced from the side, and said: "Doctor Gu, this is Xu Guiren. Xu Guiren has a hot temper, but he really loves the Empress Dowager. She doesn't understand medical principles, so you don't need to take her words to heart." ,Do your best."

Having identified the master of the family, Gu Youyou said to the queen in fear and trepidation: "The daughter of the people thought of the fact that she had developed a life-saving medicine for herself a few days ago, but she was almost poisoned and died, so she was a little excited just now, and I hope you ladies will make amends. "

(End of this chapter)

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