Chapter 642 Apprenticeship
When she came to the door, the empress dowager sat quietly all the time, she didn't reprimand Xu Guiren, and she didn't help Gu Youyou to speak. Now when she heard Gu Youyou said that she almost died, she oh, and asked again: "Doctor Gu treats himself in the same way?" Big risk?"

Gu Youyou reported back to the Empress Dowager: "The disease of a civilian girl is a fatal disease, and the medicine is naturally extremely dangerous. If you succeed, you will survive, and if you fail, it is just a word of death. But the empress dowager, don't worry, your illness is in your legs. It is fatal. If the effect is good, you will be able to stand up in one month and even take a few steps. If the effect is not good, you will have less pain than now. It is just that it is impossible to cure completely, and whether it is cured or not depends on your opinion .”

"Well, Doctor Gu is right." The queen mother nodded, and said: "You are indeed braver than the group of imperial doctors in the Imperial Hospital. They just dare not treat Aijia's leg because they say that Aijia's leg cannot be cured. Are you right? That’s right, the Ai family has already resigned to their fate for this leg, you can treat it with your own methods, it’s not your fault if it can be cured, you don’t have to take what Xu Guiren said just now.”

Xu Guiren didn't expect that both the empress and the empress dowager were holding a private doctor, and she was so angry that she trembled all over.

It's nothing more than competing for favor with this group of women, but she was reprimanded by a little medical girl today.

The queen laughed and said: "This Yoyo really has the temperament of Lord Lin, who dares to speak out without fear of offending others. I remember the emperor once said that he loves Lord Lin's temperament, who dares to say what others dare not say, and dares to do what others don't. Dare to do."

When mentioning the emperor, the queen mother smiled all over her face. Looking at Gu Youyou again, she became more pleasing to the eye: "Yes, Lin Xingyi is a good person. It's no wonder that the emperor dotes on him. The emperor even praised him. He is outspoken and a real gentleman."

Xu Guiren choked up, no matter how curious the other people were about this medical girl, they had nothing to say, so as not to upset the queen and queen mother.

The Queen Mother was about to get medical treatment, so they withdrew.

According to what was said yesterday, Gu Youyou first gave the queen mother a leg massage.

They called the female doctor from the palace to learn from Gu Youyou.

Massage is not difficult, it is just to smooth the meridians of the legs that have not walked in the past two years, and you can learn it as soon as you teach.

The medical girl watched Gu Youyou give the queen mother a needle, but during the intermission, she boldly said an unfeeling request.

"Doctor Gu, I see that Dr. Gu's acupuncture method is really exquisite, Xi Lan has the courage to make a merciless request."

Gu Youyou put away the needle, and said, "Doctor Cui wants to learn this acupuncture method from me?"

Cui Xilan showed surprise, and hurriedly said: "Xilan knows that this request has been exceeded, if it is inconvenient, Doctor Gu will pretend that I did not say anything."

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "It's not inconvenient. Since you are willing to learn, I will try my best to teach. Doctor Cui's aunt is a doctor in my clinic. I admire Dr. Cui very much."

Cui Xilan was overjoyed, she never expected that Gu Youyou would agree to teach her this acupuncture technique.

You must know that this medical skill is the most difficult to learn among all the skills. Every doctor has his own rules.

"Master! Receive a bow from the apprentice." Cui Xilan bowed to Gu Youyou on the spot.

Gu Youyou saw that Cui Xilan was more than ten years older than herself, how could she be accepted as an apprentice?Helping her up hurriedly, she said: "Ms. Cui, what are you doing? It's just a set of acupuncture. I can't accept you as an apprentice."

"You won't accept me as an apprentice? Then you still teach me acupuncture?"

(End of this chapter)

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