It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 643 Seeing you in one day is like three autumns apart

Chapter 643 Seeing you in one day is like every three autumns

However, Gu Youyou smiled and said: "If you are ten years younger than me, I will accept it, but you...don't do this, I am really embarrassed."

Being despised by Gu Youyou for being too old, female doctor Cui felt a little regretful, and said after a while: "I heard that Doctor Gu is very skilled in medicine, how can he succeed without a disciple who inherits it? There is an eight-year-old niece in my family, who is ice and snow smart, and is a servant of the palace. A candidate for the post of medical girl. Since Dr. Gu refuses to accept me, can you accept my niece?"

Dare to love the female doctor in their family?

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "Then bring me to have a look tomorrow. If the child is not difficult to take care of, I can think about it."

In fact, to Gu Youyou, eight years old is a child, and she doesn't want to help others take care of children.

But people have already talked about this, so we can only look at it.

Seeing that Gu Youyou agreed to come down, female doctor Cui hurriedly said: "It's not difficult to take, she is very obedient, and there is no need to wait until tomorrow, she is playing with Princess Jiu in this palace, I will go and find her right away."

It was probably because the imperial palace was too big and it was hard to find people. Gu Youyou finished the last set of needles before Dr. Cui brought the child.


Gu Youyou bid farewell to the queen mother, and sat in the small pavilion with female doctor Cui and two children in the courtyard.

"Ms. Cui, are you... two nieces?"

Nv doctor Cui looked embarrassed and said: "This is Princess Nine. When I went to find Yingying, Her Royal Highness insisted on following, saying that she would also like to worship Dr. Gu as her teacher."

Gu Youyou said with a dry smile: "Princess Jiu wants to be a teacher, this matter must alarm the queen and queen mother, I don't dare to make decisions."

After hearing this, the nine princesses said: "Then you and this princess are going to find the imperial grandmother now."

"Ah, it's not good!" Gu Youyou hurriedly grabbed Princess Nine, and said, "Just now, the civilian girl gave the empress dowager an injection. She has fallen asleep right now, so it's better not to bother her."

After thinking about it, she said, "Let's do this, how about tomorrow, I've been out for so long today, I should go back to rest." She supported her head, and said a little discouraged: "I'm also a patient... "

Anyway, after the commotion in the morning, everyone knew that Dr. Gu, who is a highly skilled doctor, was a seriously ill person himself.

Seeing this, female doctor Cui hurriedly said: "Yes, I was too negligent, and I forgot that Dr. Gu is also in poor health. Yingying, why don't you ask a teacher tomorrow."

So good.

After bidding farewell to female doctor Cui, I saw Lin Qianqing who was looking around at the gate of the Grand Palace.

She didn't go back yesterday. My aunt said she would stay in the palace for a few days. What is she doing at the gate of the palace now?
"Oh, cousin, you figured it out." Lin Qianqing rushed over when she saw her, like a relative whom she hadn't seen for a few years.

Just in response to the saying that not seeing each other every day is like three autumns.

"What's wrong, you're so wronged?"

She looked like she was about to cry.

"I want to go back, you go tell my mother."

Gu Youyou turned around and left: "Don't look for me about this, there's nothing you can do."

This can't be blamed on her lack of loyalty, Jin Zijin only beat her last night.

The meaning of the aunt and the queen could not be more obvious. If she intercedes, it will destroy their life plans.

She is a female doctor and village girl, she would only offend these two women if she was stupid.

"Hey, how can you ignore death?" Lin Qianqing pitifully grabbed her sleeve.

Gu Youyou stopped, looked at her and said seriously: "You think I've told your mother, can your mother agree?"

Lin Qianqing lowered her head, her complexion turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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