Chapter 648
"You like to keep dogs, so just keep them. Can't we afford a dog in such a big Lin's mansion? Yue Shizi sent it to you, so we can't let him take it back, can we? Yoyo, like this Just make up your own mind about small matters, and tell aunt what you need."

This... "Hey, good!" Gu Youyou responded, but her expression was a little weird.

Back in the flower hall, Yue Rujing was teasing A Bao leisurely.

Abao hasn't seen them for a long time, Sihao has no birth, especially when he sees Gu Youyou, although he has grown up, his eyes still look like those in the tomb in the back mountain of Lianhua Village.

"I'm raising Ah Bao myself." Gu Youyou said.

"Oh, raise it!" Yue Rujing looked at Gu Youyou's appearance and was not very happy.

"Your aunt has been raised by you, so why aren't you happy?"

Gu Youyou sighed: "Auntie has never seen A Bao at all, hey, forget it, anyway, she said she will keep it. That's enough, A Bao will be given to me, thank you for sending me."

"En." Yue Rujing nodded, hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter? Just say something."

"My master is here today." Yue Rujing said, "He came secretly, scolded me and my brother to death."

"Oh why?"

Gu Youyou remembered, didn't Jin Zijin say that their master, Tianjizi, was a fool?
"Is your master out of his mind?"

"Why is there nothing wrong? He mistook me and my brother, and scolded me half to death instead."

"Admit it wrong?" Gu Youyou laughed thinking of the wonderful picture, and said, "Didn't you explain it clearly?"

Yue Rujing pointed to his head and said, "He has to be able to listen, brain!"

By the way, he is old and confused.

"Then why did he come all the way to scold you?"

"It's not because of you." Yue Rujing said angrily: "Brother is afraid that you will wait for him to become an old lady, so he didn't become a Taoist priest."

Gu Youyou: "..."

"Hey! Do you know how much trouble it would be to change the road? Originally, if it was a matter of course to become a national teacher, and then use the ability of Daozong to handle that matter, it would take a few more years to withdraw the power of Daozong. In the capital, the senior brother will be able to retire after success, but you just want to intervene, now it's all right, he still has to go to recognize his relatives."

"Oh, blame me?" Gu Youyou shrank her neck.

Yue Rujing snorted, and said: "Don't blame you, who are you blaming? You are a disaster. Brother hates his father so much. Originally, he planned to deny him for the rest of his life. Anyway, there is a substitute, and no one doubts it. Now it's good, alas, Forget it, you won’t understand even if I tell you…”

Gu Youyou was disgusted by Yue Rujing just like that.

"You haven't been to Jishengtang recently, let me tell you about the factory in Yangguan City."

"Well, can it operate normally?"

Yue Rujing nodded and said: "Yes, after listening to you, we will cooperate with Dr. Cao of Fujitang and open the largest factory in Yangguan City. The transportation is convenient there, and the medicinal materials from Zhuzhao Kingdom will be delivered to you." It is very convenient to process it there and sell it to other cities.

It's just started there, and it can't be all beginners, so I transferred a lot of people from Lingnan.In less than two months, there will be a steady stream of money coming into the account.Mr. Gu, do you have any instructions for the next step, such as opening a branch factory? "

After hearing this, Gu Youyou just nodded and said, "The factory in Yangguan City is big enough, so there is no need to add any more for now, just build the production lines quickly. In addition...we have to open some chain pharmacies of Jishengtang .”


(End of this chapter)

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