It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 649 There is really a travel companion

Chapter 649 There is really a travel companion

Gu Youyou said: "That's right, pharmacy. It's not worthwhile for other pharmacies to go to Yangguan City to buy medicines alone. If we have our own pharmacy in their city, they can directly buy from our pharmacy, as long as we control the market well. The price will not be a small income, and it is also convenient for other pharmacies and medical centers."

Yue Rujing thought for a moment, clapped her hands, and said, "That's a good idea, and hang up the signboard of Jishengtang. In the future, this signboard will become more and more famous."

"Of course." Gu Youyou was very proud.

"Let's open one in Splendid City first, it's close and easy to manage."

"Okay, I'll let someone do it."


After a busy day, Gu Youyou didn't take a break.Seeing that it was getting late, she still had to settle Lin Qianqing's order.

"Grandmother, Yoyo is here to see you." She took some pastries that she made herself, made of hawthorn and yam, sweet but not greasy.

I've been thinking about trying to make cream cakes when I'm free, but Gu Youyou seems to be very busy all the time, so she doesn't have time.

"Yuyou, did you bring food to my old lady again?"

Gu Youyou put down the food box with a smile, and said, "It's a cake made of yam and hawthorn, you can try it."

The old lady picked up a piece with a smile, put it in her mouth, and immediately praised it full of praise, saying: "That's right, it tastes similar to the cakes your mother made when she was young."

"My... Mother can make such a pastry?" Gu Youyou was extremely surprised, people at this time would not know how to make hawthorn and yam into such a pastry.

The old lady narrowed her eyes, and her thoughts drifted back to a long, long time ago.

Thinking of her eldest daughter, she felt proud and distressed.

What a clever child, who died at a young age.

"She has a lot of strange things since she was a child, especially good pastries. There is also a kind of cake made of milk. I still feel greedy for the taste, but it's a pity that after she left I haven’t met anyone who can make cakes again. Alas! That’s right, she invented it herself, and it hasn’t been rumored, so naturally others won’t.”

When Gu Youyou heard this, she was too shocked to speak.

According to what she said, then Gu Youyou's mother, who has never masked her face, is still a time traveler?

It's no wonder that she, a village woman, can lead a family to make a fortune. The mystery of love lies here.

well!It's a pity that he was killed by that bastard Gu Laosan.

"Then my mother, besides making pastries, can you do anything else?"

Speaking of her daughter, the old lady was all in high spirits, and said: "She has been very smart since she was a child, even smarter than your uncle, and she can learn everything at once. The child I gave birth to is a good one. She At a very young age, she made decisions for the family and let your uncle go to a private school. If it weren't for her, we would never have thought of sending your uncle to study. Our family is not as rich as it is today, and we are still digging mud in the village.

It's just that everyone is enjoying the blessings, and she alone will stay in Lianhua Village to marry your father.She has been big-minded since she was a child, and no one can force her, so we can only let her go.It's just that I didn't expect it to end up like this..."

Gu Youyou chatted with the old lady for a while, and confirmed that the dead cheap mother was a time traveler, and she was pregnant.

She was born different from ordinary people. People in the Lin family, including the old lady and uncle, were all influenced by her, and their thinking was different from other ancient people.

Seeing that it was getting late, Gu Youyou finally got down to business.

(End of this chapter)

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