Chapter 653 Take A Bao away

One of these two girls is his own daughter, and she is a fine person, so how can she not know what their plans are.

Let's talk about this niece, she is much better than she imagined, she is not like a bumpkin who can't see the world as she expected.

But she also lost her sense of propriety and was as worried as the old lady.

The old lady has no rules, she can only be a ninja, but she doesn't have to endure it for this junior.

Just when Gu Youyou was about to run away, Mrs. Lin called her to stop.

"Yuyou, come with me."

After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeves and went to the side hall.

Knowing that she was going to be scolded today, Gu Youyou stuck out her tongue and followed.

"Aunt!" Mrs. Lin was sitting while Gu Youyou was standing.

Mrs. Lin stared at her and sighed, wanted to say something, but swallowed it back.After repeating it several times, I can say what I want to say.

"You said you want to keep a dog, what kind of dog can't do it, why do you want to raise such a big one? It looks like a wolf. If you keep such a big dog at home, what if you accidentally hurt someone?"

Gu Youyou lowered her head and said: "A Bao is very obedient, as long as the aunt tells him, the servants won't bite if they don't take the initiative to provoke it."

"Can this beast understand the rules?" Mrs. Lin said immediately, "Can it stay in its own place obediently? It's just wandering around the yard today, and I heard that it even ate two chickens raised by your grandmother." A big white goose, I guess it's because your grandmother is sick."

Gu Youyou: "..." What a shame!

"Auntie, how did Ah Bao escape?" She clearly remembered asking Xiang Toon to close the gate of the courtyard when she left.

"Hmph, how did you come out?" Mrs. Lin slapped the table angrily, looking a little unsteady, and said, "This is not a dog, it is clearly a wolf. It eats living things. Let someone report it. It came out after chasing a phoenix chicken. The courtyard wall is as high as a person, and the phoenix rooster flew out. How did it come out? If it was an ordinary dog, it could jump as high as a person? What kind of thing did you raise?"

After listening, Gu Youyou blinked her eyes.

No problem!
It was she who asked her to go to her grandmother to beg chickens and ducks to feed it, alive.

The flying phoenix ran away from the courtyard wall, and Ah Bao must go after it.

However, in such a deep house and compound, how could Abao be allowed to fly around all day long, especially for a lady like his aunt, it was simply unbearable.

"You get that dog away from me, and the whole yard is covered in blood, and no one can afford to frighten the old lady out of anything."

Mrs. Lin still has lingering fears when she recalled the appearance of that big dog pounced on the live food.

The family guard who raised a whole yard insisted on not taking it down, or it returned to Gu Youyou's yard by itself when it was full.

Just once like this scares her out of her wits. If she comes like this several times a day, will this day be over?
Gu Youyou could clearly see her aunt's pale face and slightly trembling fingers.

It is impossible to keep Abao, just look at the persistence on her face.

Gu Youyou sighed, and said: "Although Ah Bao is my dog, it was brought up by Yue Rujing to the Lingnan Army Camp for training. They always feed it live food, so it looks wild. But it I won't attack people casually!"

Mrs. Lin's attitude was very firm: "Then you can't keep it." No one can raise a dog, and neither can the king of heaven.

When Gu Youyou said it yesterday, she just regarded it as an ordinary puppy, she didn't expect it to be so big.

(End of this chapter)

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