It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 654 Miss Du's Invitation

Chapter 654 Miss Du's Invitation

"Alright then, I'll let Yue Rujing take it away some other day."

"Well, that's good." Madam Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "What's the matter with your cousin coming back from the palace?"

Gu Youyou said: "My cousin said she missed her grandmother, and asked me to help her with a message to her grandmother, and then her grandmother fell ill. After hearing this, the empress asked her cousin to come back to see her grandmother, but she also said, let her cousin come back in a few days. go."

She hurriedly gave Mrs. Lin a soul-sustaining injection, saying that she would go again in a few days, so as not to be endless.

Hearing what Gu Youyou said, Mrs. Lin really didn't ask.

It's just that Mrs. Lin whispered to Lin Xingyi at night, saying that Gu Youyou is not young anymore, and it's time to find a suitable person to marry.

Of course, Gu Youyou doesn't know yet.

As for Mrs. Lin, she just informed Lin Xingyi that no matter what he said, she was determined to marry Gu Youyou.

So on the second day, she began to look for a suitable candidate for Gu Youyou.


After Miss Du left Xie's house, she seemed to be reborn.

She took Cui Ya, the only maid beside her, to Jinxiu City, and found someone to repair the Manxiu Building of the Yu family, and hung up the signboard again to prepare for opening.

Looking at the brand-new Xiulou, Miss Du couldn't help but think of Gu Youyou.

It was her words and the grace of saving her life that gave her this chance of rebirth.

"Cui Ya, you go to the Lin Mansion yourself, and pass the post to Dr. Gu and Miss Lin for me. We are going to reopen Manxiulou, so we should invite them to come too."

Cuiya was overjoyed and responded repeatedly.

"Yes, ma'am."

Miss Du was not the only one who was reborn. If she hadn't met Dr. Gu and Miss Lin that day, she would not have survived after her miss died.

Both of them will spend their whole lives in that deserted courtyard, and they will not be reconciled until they die.

Soon the post was delivered to the Lin family, Lin Qianqing accepted the post and went to look for her in Gu Youyou's courtyard.

"Cousin, Miss Du's Manxiu Building is open, please let us be guests, are you going?"

Gu Youyou took the post and looked at it.

The elegant lower case script is as delicate and beautiful as Miss Du's.

She smiled and said, "Go, invite me to dinner, of course I will go. I haven't been to Splendid City yet, so I just need to go and have a look."

Lin Qianqing said happily, "That's great, I'll go too. I've never been to Splendid City since I was so old. It's so close to the capital, alas, every time I ask to go, my mother won't let me."

Gu Youyou patted her on the head and sighed, "It's so pitiful."

This blow was too great, Lin Qianqing pouted all afternoon.

If Gu Youyou wanted to go to Jinxiu City, he had to report to Mrs. Lin first.

Lin Qianqing didn't dare to tell Mrs. Lin, because Mrs. Lin would definitely not agree, so she had already gone to her grandmother for help.

"Auntie, Miss Du, the second youngest mistress of the Xie family, is going to open Manxiulou in Jinxiu City, so she also sent me an invitation."

Gu Youyou handed over the invitation.

Mrs. Lin looked at it, pressed down the invitation, and said: "Let's put it down first, this is a serious matter, I have to discuss it with your uncle."

Is it a big deal to go out?

Anyway, she agreed with Gu Youyou to go, and she had to go if she didn't agree, but she just went out a long way to say hello to her.

"Okay, thank you, auntie."

Gu Youyou tried to respect Mrs. Lin as much as possible. As for her withholding her food and clothing, those uncles' concubines love to compare and would mind very much, but Gu Youyou didn't mind at all.

As a niece, she really can't afford to argue with her aunt about these things.

(End of this chapter)

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